Chapter 34

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The time after the cafe included in going into the small warehouse that was quite close to the bar Five and Y/N met Luther. In the warehouse, Luther was currently having his final showdown for Ruby and was going against a gruff looking man.

However, Luther seemed out of it, especially when he let the man punch him continuously, not even lifting a finger to fight back. His opponent even seemed skeptical and hesitant but he did no bad job in beating Luther up and making Ruby's anger rumble.

"Why didn't he fight back," Vanya asked.

"I...don't know," Y/N said quietly.

"Come on, let's get him back. He's unconscious," Five said, giving Luther a light kick.


So there they were, sitting in Luther's small apartment, Five had gone somewhere else. Y/N treated to his wounds while Vanya sat on a chair and watched silently.

"So, how do you know about me living with the Coopers," Vanya asked.

Y/N sighed and put the first aid back as she looked around Luther's room.

"Finding you wasn't as easy as we thought it would be. We had to use multiple frequencies, especially since you had no idea of your previous identity."

Vanya made an 'O' shape with her mouth and nodded before Luther groaned, stirring slightly.

"Luther," Y/N said as she grabbed a towel. "Luther," she repeated, a bit harsher.

"Allison," Luther asked groggily.

"Sorry to disappoint," Y/N gave him a towel, Luther seeming to have cared less about that and more about his long lost sisters in his apartment.

"Do you need a pillow," Vanya asked from the corner of the room, staring at the uncomfortable Luther.

"No, I'm fine. Why are you here," Luther asked.

"You were knocked unconscious back at the arena. We brought you back and treated you."

"And, you're our brother," Vanya smiled. "I mean, apparently."

She chuckled awkwardly and Luther shifted his gaze to her. "Five found you?"

"Yeah, he's downstairs waiting with the car," Vanya said. "Said you'd be better off alone."

Luther groaned softly as he lifted his head, sitting up on his small bed.

"Careful, Luther," Y/N said.

"Yeah...he's a jerk."

"Such a jerk," Vanya agreed, sitting down.

She looked over to Y/N who was cleaning up the supplies she used and rubbed her arms curiously.

"What do you think of him Y/N? You're also helping him around, right?"

"Right," Luther chuckled.

"Hm? Does it matter? We all have a common goal here."

Luther rolled his eyes and leaned back on his bed, ignoring the squeaking of his mattress.

"Oh no, that's not something you would have said before."

"Before the life threatening apocalypse? Yeah, I see," Y/N answered, standing up. "I'm waiting for you guys downstairs. Out in 15, Vanya."


Y/N walked down the stairs through the apartment, accidentally bumping her shoulder with a guy in a black suit before she went down to see Five leaning across the car.

"How's Luther," Five asked, looking at his window.

"In bad shape," Y/N answered.


"He still thinks you're a jerk."

"Who doesn't," Five snorted, slumping down in defeat.

Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, walking a few feet to stand next to Five.

"'re trying to save everyone. Their own words are probably going to bite back at them soon so..."

Y/N clicked her tongue and smiled, giving Five a small nudge with her elbow.

However, the boy beside her couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the way she tried to cut him some slack, at the same time nobody else would. It made him feel...well, weird.

"You know, I didn't get the chance to thank you after all your help so far. I've realized that-you're the only one who bothered trying to meet me halfway there. Thank you, Y/N."

Five gave her a small pat to the shoulder and Y/N nodded her head in response, this close to giving a smug remark before a loud yell from inside the building interrupted her. Suddenly, a hole was punched into the wall, revealing Luther's angered face as he met eyes with Five, frustrating him more.

Soon, Luther flipped him off and went back inside.


"So I take it that went well," said Five as Vanya came from out of the building. "You ready to go?"

"I'm going back to the farm," Vanya argued.

"Hey! Unacceptable, Vanya. Remember, we need to stick together."

"Oh, why, so I don't end the world again," she spat.

Y/N and Five froze while Vanya sat in the car, turning in the engine impatiently.

"We're you even going to tell me," Vanya asked, changing the gears before she heard what Five had to say.

"Vanya, listen. This is exactly why we didn't want to tell you," Y/N said, taking a hold of one of the door handles. "Cause, you know, where you get angry...things blow up."

Vanya rolled her eyes and began to back away, making Y/N let go of the car.

"Look, the clock is ticking on doomsday. We don't have the luxury of 'time' to explain everything," Five said.

Vanya stopped rolling up the window and she stared ahead as Five continued.

"You just tell me that when we need you, you'll be ready."

Vanya stared at Five who had backed up slightly, waiting for her answer.

"I can't help you, Five," Vanya's said. "I don't even know who I am."

"You're our sister."

Vanya changed gears once more, ignoring Five's words and driving away, leaving Five and Y/N behind.

"Wonder if it's too late to be un-adopted," Five muttered, running a hand through his hair.


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