Chapter 35

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"So you just let her go," Diego asked.

"Well, she had a lot to process," Five shrugged. "She'll come around."

"What about the guys who went after her," Diego asked.

"The Swedes?"

Y/N nodded.

"Yeah, I mean, how do you know they won't go after her again," Diego said as Elliot handed Lila a cup of tea.

"We don't, really. We do know that they're trying to track us down, and they're doing it now," Y/N said. "Look, they only started to come after us when Five arrived, right?"

"Yes. That is right."

Currently back at Morty's Television Shop, or their secret hideout, Y/N and Five came back to tell Diego of their recent mishap.

"So maybe, you can do the Handler a favor. And she'll give us one back," Y/N smiled.

Five only shook his head at Y/N's new idea and put a finger to his chin. "I don't think that the Handler's 'favor' will be something good."

"Of course it isn't. Look, you know her, she knows you. If you give her what she wants for exchange in what you want we might have a deal. Negotiate."

"There's no negotiating with that woman," Five shook his head. "Right now, our priority is finding Dad and getting some answers."

"If we meet with Dad now, who knows what'll happen in the future? He doesn't even know we exist!"

"I've considered that, Y/N. We need to take the risk," Five answered sharply.

"Take the risk? If you want to take a risk you should do it with the Handler," Y/N snapped, giving Five her nastiest smile.

"What about me," Diego asked. "I found him already."

"And then let him go," Five smiled wickedly. "...before you could have a meaningful conversation."

"He stabbed me."

"I'm a surprised he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge," Five finished.

Lila snorted loudly, Y/N having a huge concern for her throat, and Lila held up a hand for a high five.

"Good one," she chuckled.

Five eyed it like it was something gross he found on the bottom of his shoe before he placed his mug down. "Good thing I know where Dad's gonna be tonight."

He took something from his pocket and slid it over the table to Diego and Y/N who looked at the fancy script printed across the page.

It was an invite to a banquet. Fancy.

"Where'd you get this," Diego asked, having a hard time reading the loopy handwriting.

"Found it in dads office, while he was busy stabbing you," Five grinned.

Diego let out a fake laugh before reading out the invite which he was finally able to read. "Hoyt Hillenkoetter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a gala."

"Hold on, can you read that first part again," Elliot cut in, walking up to the four.

"Hoyt Hillenkoetter-"

"Whoa, what? You serious?"

"Yeah. What is it," Five asked.

"That man, he's part of the Magestic Twelve," Elliot explained over Lila being happy there's a seafood tower. "They're a secret committee. Scientists, military, deep state. No one knows hat they really do, but we all know it's something dark."

Elliot rushed to the back as Five's eyes followed his rushed hands looking around in his files.

"Wait, so they're government," Diego questioned.

"Shadow government," Elliot corrected, finding his voice again. "Yeah, Kennedy was the first president to try and push 'em into the light, these guys are not to be trifled with."

Elliot came back with a picture of the Majestic Twelve, or eleven in this case, sitting around a table. The man pointed to Hoyt and explained that it was him before pulling back for everyone's reaction.

"Huh," Five scoffed.

"I only count 11," Lila said,

"Well, that's because we've only identified 11 so far," Five answered.

"Who's the twelfth?"


"Lila, how on Earth are you going to be able to walk in those," Y/N asked the woman next to her, staring down at Lila's heeled feet.

"It's a talent. If I'm going to crash a gala, I'm going to do it in style. Oh, and your dress is on your bed~"

"I would flip you off, but that would be very immature of me, Lila."


So there she was. A fluffy dress wrapped around her body while she was trying to see if she could throw a kick without showing up her legs. In the end, she just wore leggings.

"Stop making that face, Y/N. You look like you need to take a dump," Lila snapped. "I didn't think I would ever have to teach etiquette to an almost 58 year old."

"I do need to take a dump. But I can't, Lila. It took me forever to put this wreck of ruffles on."

"Well, it's worth it. You look nice," Five spoke taking off the bowling shoes he still had from the alley they escaped from all the time ago.


Giving Y/N another glance, Five gestured for Lila to go to the back and walked over to Y/N, handing her a pocket knife.

"It's expected we're going to meet the Swedes on our trip to meet the Majestic Twelve. Stay on high alert. Just stay behind me. Lila and Diego are keeping an eye on the main hall."

Y/N nodded, sticking the knife into some of her ruffles before following him out of the house, giving a small pat on Elliot's shoulder as she left the room.


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