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"Let's get it started

Let's get it started in here

Let's get it started

Let's get it started in here

Let's get it started

Let's get it started in here"
~ Let's get it started by Black Eyed Peas
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

C H A P T E R  O N E||

〚 T H E  M E E T I N G 〛

〚 T H E  M E E T I N G 〛

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It was a warm summer day and Maeve woke up to the familiar smell of baked ham, which she knew was her dad's favorite thing to eat for breakfast.

After her daily morning routine she went into the living room where she saw her dad eating breakfast and also watching a movie on TV.

"Morning dad."

He looked up at her with a tired expression. "Mornin' how did ya' sleep?"

She went to get some breakfast for herself and sat down beside him.

"Good. The neighbors were a little bit loud, but I just put my earphones in and listened to music." She told him.

Johnny looked at her with envy. "Yeah you have to show me how that sporty fly thing works. They kept me up almost all night." He grumbled.

Maeve just smiled and shook her head at her dad's lack of knowledge in the technical field.


Later that morning Maeve helped her Dad to put the garbage out, when suddenly there was a voice behind them.

"Hey, I'm Miguel. My family and I just moved into 109." Running after them was a boy her age with chocolate brown eyes and matching hair.

When Maeve was about to introduce herself, Johnny cut her off. "Great, more immigrants." He said sarcastically.

"Dad!" She gasped. Her face flushing in embarrassment.

Johnny just shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm so sorry about him. My name's Maeve and I live with my dad just over there." Maeve told him and pointed to the door they just came through.

Miguel smiled at her. "Nice to meet you."

He then turned back towards her dad. "Actually, we're from Riverside. But anyways."

He started to catch up to them. "I was wondering if you were having trouble with your water pressure? Because I know our sink's being weird right now and..."

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