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"We've gotta hold on

To what we've got

It doesn't make a difference

If we make it or no

We got each other

And that's a lot for love

We'll give it a shot"
~ Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi


After watching her dad being peppersprayed in the face and being forced to leave with the police, Miguel decided to bring the shocked girl to his apartment.

"Oh, Miggi what happened?"

A worried women, who must have been his mother, came up to her and helped her sit down on a chair at the kitchen table.

"She's our neighbor's daughter Mama, he tried to protect me after some boys jumped me, but someone must have called the police and now he got taken away." Miguel explained.

"That sounds awful, I'm so glad you two are okay. I'm Carmen."

The pretty woman introduced herself with a smile.

"I'm Maeve." The blond tried to smiler back, but she was still in shock, seeing her dad being taken away like that.

Of course this wasn't the first time Johnny had been arrested, but Maeve had never witnessed it.

Every time Maeve feared that they would put him behind bars and then put her in foster care.

That was one of her biggest fears.

He was all she had left.

"Oh look at your clothes! Go change, I'm making you two some tea." Carmen's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Oh no, I don't want to bother you, I should just go home anyway, it's getting late." Maeve was about to get up but Carmen stoped her.

"No stay here I insist. I'll make you a tea and some sandwiches. You can sleep in Miguel's room, he can sleep on the sofa." Carmen told her.

Miguel also nodded as he walked back into the room with a fresh shirt on.

"Oh, no. I can take the sofa, it's no big deal." Maeve immediately said, blushing a little at the thought of sleeping in a boys room.

After a while of pressuring, Maeve finally agreed to spent the night at the Diaz household.

She also met Miguel's grandmother, who was a sweet woman even though Maeve couldn't understand her.

After they ate, Maeve quickly went to her apartment to get some Pyjamas and changed.

It was getting really late, so Miguel showed her to his room.

It looked just like she imagined. Simple but messy.

She smiled, lightly.

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