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"Because maybe

You're gonna be the the one

That saves me

And after all

You're my wonderwall"
~ Wonderwall by Oasis

C H A P T E R  F O U R

The next day Maeve and Miguel were washing the mats in the dojo when Johnny enters.

"Looking good. Make sure you get both sides. And after you're done with that, Miguel you can take care of the exposed wires. It's gonna be a lot of work."

Maeve stood up. "Easy for you to say, when you're not the one doing the work."

Miguel was also getting tired of it. "What does any of this have to do with karate, sensei?"

Johnny came out of his room. "Do not question my methods." And screwed open a bottle of beer.

Maeve looked at him annoyed. "Just be thankful you're not a sumo wrestler. Those guys have to wipe their sensei's asses." He snapped his fingers and made the bottle cab fly away.

Miguel went to the boxes that had dads old trophy's in it. "So, I, see you were a karate champion, sensei."

Johnny took a sip from his beer. "You don't have to call me sensei all the time."

"I'm sorry sensei." Then he realized his mistake. "I, um... Sorry. I'm sorry."

Maeve giggled at his dorkieness.

"I won a couple All Valley tournaments. Didn't lose a single point in my junior year."

Miguel looked very impressed. "All right. What happened in your senior year?"

Maeve knew exactly what happened, but she also knew that her dad didn't like to talk about it.

"This isn't twenty questions. Get back to work. Both of you." He told them.

But just as they were about to continue scrubbing Miguel's phone started ringing. "Oh just a sec."

But Johnny apparently didn't hear him since he started to look around for the source of the music.

"Where's that garbage coming from? You hear that?" Maeve rolled her eyes and whispered  "It's his phone."

Miguel started talking to the person on the other end of the line. "Sorry, yeah. Hey!...Yeah, uh, debate's running a little late and I'm hanging out with Maeve after.... Uh, ok. Love you too."

Johnny was looking at him impressed. "Don't Tell me you have a girlfriend. And by the way you shouldn't tell her that your hanging out with another girl." He pointed at Maeve who looked a little angry.

Miguel started laughing. "That was my mom, actually."

Maeve smiled to herself.

"Uh,... I told her I joined the debate team 'cause she doesn't approve of violence."

She could tell that he was embarrassed.

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