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Look at his cute lil face I can't 😭


"I was made for lovin' you, baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can't get enough of you, baby

Can you get enough of me?"
~ I Was Made For Loving You Baby by KISS

C H A P T E R  T H I R T E E N

After sitting in school all day Maeve felt good, stretching it all out in the dojo with her friends.

Miguel was just telling them about how he asked Sam out and was now thinking about were to take her.

"I need something romantic, but not too romantic."

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Aisha roll her eyes, which made her smile.

"You could take her to get tattoos." Hawk smirked at Maeve.

She just shook her head giggling.

Aisha laughed. "What?"

That exchange made Miguel squint his eyes at them.

He had been so focused on karate and Sam, that he didn't see Maeve fading away from him, towards Hawk.

Suddenly Hawk stood up, taking his shirt off.

"I know a guy, just hooked me up with this bad boy."  He revealed a large tattoo of a Hawk on his back.

"Oh shit." Miguel was shocked.

"That is badass!" Aisha said.

"I know right. Fourteen hours in the chair." He exaggerated, at which Maeve rolled her eyes playfully.

Aisha spoke up again. "Wait. Are your parents Ok with that?" 

Maeve looked at him interested, she hadn't thought about that.

He put his shirt back on with a soft look on his face. "Oh, they have no idea. Definitely have to wear a T-Shirt until college. Probably longer. Pleas don't tell them." He sat down again.

Miguel looked at them with furrowed brows. "Uh... any other suggestions?" He got back to the point looking at Aisha.

"Dot look at me. Sam and I used to be friends. We're not anymore."

But Miguel wasn't giving up. "Ok but I need your help." He looked at her desperately.

Aisha sighs. "Fine. Um...I know she likes chocolate and astronomy."

Miguel listened carefully. "I could work with that."

All of the sudden there was a shout from the office. "Banned? Why are you talking about?"

Maeve and Miguel looked at each other and both run to her dad.

Johnny was on the phone with someone.

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