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"When you're with me,

No judgement

You can get that

From anyone else

You don't have to prove nothin'

You can just be yourself"
~ No Judgement by Niall Horan

C H A P T E R  E L E V E N

At the dojo Johnny entered and stood before his students.

"Ok, everybody. Fall in."

Maeve sat at her usual seat, still in a sour mood.

She couldn't tell if it had anything to do with Miguel and Sam flirting, or the fact that there were definitely less students in the dojo, wich meant less money that they desperately needed.

Her dad seemed to notice too.

"Were is everyone? Crater face? Nose ring? Slingshot?" He looked around expectantly.

Miguel was the first one to speak up, still looking at the floor. "They quit, sensei."

Johnny looked at him disappointed. "Are you serious?"

After looking at the students he had left, he quickly changed his tone. "I mean, good. That was a test. I wanted to see who the quitters are. Not you guys."

He pointed at them.

"You're in it to win it, right? You could be at home playing your iComputers, playing your video games, eating candy. Instead, your here, doing push-ups, learning how to fight." He then pointed at Eli.

Maeve was so caught in her thoughts that she didn't even notice him being there.
She smiled at him proudly, glad that her dad didn't scare him away.

"Lip. Look. Even lip's tougher then those guys. He's no quitter."

Eli looked up as he was spoken too. "Could you please not call me that?"

He finally stood up for himself, that made Maeve's gin widen.

But her dad wasn't finished. "Excuse me, what?"

Eli spoke louder. "I, uh.. said, could you please not call me that."

Maeve could feel the tension between them grow and apparently so could Miguel, as he stepped forward.

"Um, I'll warm them up, sensei."

But Johnny shushed him. "No, lip has something he wants to say."

She could see Eli's confidence vanish within seconds.

"Sorry, speak up, lip. Or is your tongue messed up too?"

That made her stand up to be by Eli's side. "What the hell dad?! Just stop."

Johnny turned to her and chuckled. "What, are you his mom? Are you gonna give me a speech about how I should not mention his lip, like they do in kindergarten?"

He turned back to Eli. "Are you one of those challenged kids?"

He took a few steps towards him.

"Um, the doctor said I could be on the spectrum." Eli said, still holding his ground, even if it wasn't as strong as before.

Johnny looked at him annoyed. "I don't know what that is, but get off it pronto. All right? If you don't want me to call you 'lip', then don't have a weird lip. Can't you get surgery?"

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