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Thank you guys so much for all the votes and nice comments, they mean so much to me!


"I'm so sick of myself

I'd rather be, rather be

Anyone, anyone else

My jealousy, jealousy

Started following me"
~ jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo

C H A P T E R  E I G H T E E N

The next day Maeve woke up to soft breathing on her neck.

She couldn't remember all the stuff from last night, but she knew that she went to Hawk's place after what happened with Miguel, Sam and Robby.


Maeve couldn't believe he would do something like that to their dad.

She knew it would only destroy him further, knowing that his own son would rather go to his enemy then to him.

Suddenly her phone started to ring making the boy beside her groan.

Only now did she really noticed the position they were laying in.

He was spooning her with their legs tangled and his arms wrapped around her.

She smiled turning around to see him open his eyes slowly.

His usually styled hair looked like a bird's nest.

He must have washed his hair when she was already sleeping and she had to say, he looked really cute right now.

Almost like the old Eli.

"Mornin' beautiful." He said with his raspy morning voice making her smile.

"Good morning my love" she said brushing her hand threw his hair.

Hawk leaned over her, making her lay on her back again.

"I could really get used to this, you know. Waking up next to you." He whispered before leaning down to kiss her, supporting himself on his elbows.

She ran her fingers through his hair again, not letting this opportunity go.

But they were disturbed yet again by her phone ringing causing her to groan in annoyance.

Hawk didn't seem to mind the phone since he just continued to kiss her neck instead as she answered.

"Hello?" She asked picking up.

"Don't 'hello' me, where the hell are you? I already called Miguel and he said you weren't at his place." Her dad yelled from the other side of the phone making her grimace.

Hawk stopped what he was doing once Johnny mentioned Miguel and turned back to his side picking up his phone.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry dad. Some shit went down last night so I crashed at Aisha's place." She said thinking hard.

"Yeah no shit. I have to tell you about what I found out last night so come home as soon as you can, alright?" He said sounding pissed at something.

"I will. See you later, love you."

"Yeah, call me if you want me to pick you up. Love you too." And with that they hung up.

Maeve sighed looking over to her boyfriend who suddenly seemed to be in a bad mood.

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