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"You and me

Always forever

We could stay

Alone together

You and me

Always forever

Say you'll stay

Never be severed"
~ Always Forever by Cults

C H A P T E R  E I G H T 

The next few months Johnny was mostly focusing on different techniques to get Miguel to lern karate.

He had to practice doing push-ups on his knuckles, go on runs and get hit by baseballs to train his reflexes.

Johnny also almost choked him one time they were practicing, while repeatedly asking him "What does the cobra do?"

Maeve though it was very sweet seeing them both be so passionate about something, but it also made her feel little left out.

She even considered to give karate a try but she would rather dance than hurt someone. So while the boys were kicking each other's ass she went on YouTube to take some free online classes on ballet, since she couldn't afford to go to real classes.

Maeve also took that time to hang out with her friends.

Right now it was a Saturday afternoon and she was waiting for Eli's mom to drop him off at the local cinema so they could watch the remake of 'IT' together.

She was slightly surprised when he asked her to watch that movie, but she was very happy about it.

Once Eli's mom drove away he looked at her a little bit flustered. "I'm sorry, I'm late. She wouldn't let me go until I cleaned my room."

She chuckled. "No problem, we're still on time." Maeve though it was fun to hang out with Eli again, all this time she had been so focused on the dojo and Miguel.

"Two bags of popcorn please." Eli ordered and payed for both of them and they went to take their seats.

Maeve turned to look at him. "Thanks, you didn't have to pay for me."

He scratched his neck. "D-don't w-worry I owned you for standing up to Kyler for me."

"You don't own me anything, I would've done it anyway." Maeve told him.

He looked into her eyes smiling. "I still wanted to thank you. Not everyone would have done that for me."

She smiled back. Maeve felt a weird fluttering in her tummy when she saw him looking down at her lips, but before either of them could do something the movie started.

They were both enjoying the movie very much, then there was a scary scene that made Maeve jump and without noticing she grabbed Eli's hand which made him smile.

After the movie was finished they were taking about it exited, when his mom yelled from the car.

"Eli sweetheart! Maeve! I'm over here!"

Eli immediately blushed and mumbled. "I'm so happy to get my license soon."

She just laughed and tugged him to the car to drive home.


It was the first day in weeks that Maeve joined Johnny and Miguel at the dojo and Miguel looked very happy about it.

"Hey, I'm glad you're back, I have so much to show you, I've been getting better." He rambled on excited.

"That's great, I'm looking forward to seeing it." They smiled.

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