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"And it's really not my fault,

If you're scared of a

Sweet, little,

Unforgettable thing,


Sweet, little,

Unforgettable thing,

So incredible"
~ S.L.U.T. by Bea Miller

C H A P T E R  N I N E  

After training all three teenagers walked together to the apartment buildings, since Maeve had to pack her bag for a sleepover at Aisha's place.

"I'm so exited that you're training at the dojo too. We're going to have so much fun together." Maeve said exited while hooking her arms with both Aisha and Miguel who laughed at her.

Aisha suddenly smirked at Maeve. "Speaking of fun, how was your movie night with Eli?"

That made Miguel's head snap in their direction. "You had a movie night with Eli?"

Maeve blushed. "It wasn't a movie night, we just went to the cinema to watch the new remake of 'IT' and it was fun. A great movie."

Aisha looked at her with an eager look on her face. "So... tell us what happened."

Miguel nodded in agreement.

He couldn't tell why, but knowing that Maeve has been to the cinema with Eli gave him an arch in his chest.

"Well not much, he payed for our food, we sat down then talked a little bit and then watched the movie. And after his mom drove me home." She didn't want to tell them about the moment they had, she wasn't sure if it was even considered as a moment since nothing really happened.

To Miguel she sounded a little bit odd.

He thought maybe she wanted something to happen between them, but didn't they have a moment back in the office?

He was confused, since he knew that he liked Sam, but Maeve also made him feel some way.

The reaction from Johnny when he almost caught them in that moment made him nervous too, since she was still his daughter and he would probably kick his ass if he tried something on her and he really didn't want to stop the training or make Johnny hate him.

He was so in his thoughts that he didn't notice them arriving at the apartments until Maeve suddenly hugged him.

He wrapped his arms around the shorter girl who could barely look over his shoulder. "See you tomorrow." He smiled and made Guns movement with his hands.

"See ya." She laughed and returned the gesture.

Aisha just shook her head at them also laughing. "You guys are so weird."


The next day at school there were some nasty rumors going around about Sam.

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