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"I bet that you look good

On the dance floor

I don't know if you're

Looking for romance or

I don't know what you're looking for"
~ I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor by Arctic Monkeys


Maeve was happily munching on her favorite McDonalds meal a Happy meal, while her dad kept on watching her weirdly.

After a while she had enough of this terrible silence and the feeling of being judged by her own dad.

"What?" She asked annoyed.

"What, what?" Johnny was confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She looked at him expectant.

"Nothing, it's just... why are you eating salad? You never used to like that." Maeve rolled her eyes at her dad.

"Yeah that's because you never made any meal with salad in it and I didn't like it at first at school, because I never knew what it was supposed to taste like! I mean tomato's are just gross when you really think about it. But I like it now, brings some freshness in."

Johnny looked at her in disgust. "But meat is the freshest thing there is, not some lame ass vegetables."

Maeve laughed. "Because nothing is fresher than a dead, cooked animal."

"Shut up, you don't know what your taking about." He went back to eating his burger from which he got most of the salad off.

"So... what is it with you and karate?" That made him sit straight and he looked at her with fascination.

The next hour and a half he told her about everything that went down back in the day and about his new plans to piss off that Daniel guy and make some money along the way.


When they got home they saw Miguel outside the apartment building at the recycling bins.

Johnny approached him, while Maeve stayed a little bit behind her dad.

"Are your sure you're ready? 'Cause once you go down this path, there's no going back."

Miguel looked at him unsure. "You're going to be my karate teacher?"

"No. I'm gonna be your sensei." And with that Miguel started smiling brightly.

"I'm gonna teach you the style of karate that was taught to me, a method of fighting your pussy generation desperately needs. I'm not just gonna teach you how to conquer your fears. I'm gonna teach you how to awaken the snake within you. And once you do that, you'll be the one that's feared. You'll build strength. You'll learn discipline. And when the time is right, you'll strike back."

And with that her dad went inside to look for an check that his step dad gave him, to rent a studio.

Meanwhile Maeve took a step forward to a still beaming Miguel. "Congratulations you finally got your karate lessons. I'm sure you'll do great."

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