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"I got a feeling

That tonight's gonna be

A good night

That tonight's gonna be

A good night"
~ I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas

C H A P T E R  S I X T E E N

Maeve woke up confused the next morning.

That was until she remembered that her and Miguel were having a movie night.

She didn't want to go home to change last night, so she wore one of Miguel's t-shirts and boxers.

Both items were a little bit too big on her, but that didn't bother her too much.

Maeve rose from the bed only to see Miguel still sleeping on an air mattress next to the bed.

She smiled and brushed some hair on his forehead away. That gesture made him wake up.

He looked up at the blond girl leaning above him and he couldn't help but think that this wasn't too bad to wake up to.

That moment didn't last that long. "Oh my god! We're gonna be late for the P.S.A.T prep today!" Maeve exclaimed and sprung up from his bed to pick up her clothes.

Miguel just groaned, not moving from his position on the mattress. "But it's only a prep exam."

Maeve threw a shirt at him. "I don't care. Get up or I'm leaving without you!" And with that she shut the door to the bathroom.

Miguel sighed and got up.


Miguel apparently wasn't the only one who didn't care about the preparation, since Hawk was nowhere to be seen.

Maeve was in a different classroom then Miguel and Demetri, since they separated the students by their last names.

After she was finally done, Maeve walked to the classroom were the boys took their exam in.

But to her disappointment Sam got there before her and she was just greeting Miguel with a kiss.

She ran up to Demetri before he could go without her.

"We'll meet you." He said to Miguel as he saw the short blond approach him.

"Yeah. Ok." He didn't sound that happy.

She wouldn't be happy either, if she found out that Hawk was talking to another girl.

Speaking of Hawk, she was still mad at him for not coming and macking her worry.

They all met at an playground.

When Maeve saw her boyfriend, she immediately took him to the side to talk.

"Hey, babe how was the exam?" He asked her.

She looked up at him. "It was good I guess, but where were you? I was worried." She said while holding his hand.

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