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"All I wanna be, yeah

All I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you

All I wanna be, yeah

All I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah

Is somebody to you"
~ Somebody To You by The Vamps

C H A P T E R  F I V E

One night Maeve was at Miguel's place watching him train while she played some of her favorite music.

He was panting pretty hard but he was getting pretty good.

There was a knock on the door and his grandmother said something in Spanish that she couldn't understand.

She knocked again "Miguel?" She went to sit up from his bed when she knocked her foot against something. She groaned.

"It's your grandma" that got his attention.

"We'll be right there. Almost finished." Miguel said.

Maeve looked at the time. "You're getting better last time you couldn't go that long." They both grinned at each other.

After he finished his training, they were sitting next to each other at the table eating with his yaya when his mom came in.

His grandma said something in Spanish. His mom smiled at them

"Hey, guys. It smells good in here." His grandma said something again that she couldn't understand, so she whispered to Miguel "What did she say?" He looked at her

"Oh, she just said that she made chicken in chili sauce." Miguel told her.

Maeve relaxed. "I really need to pay more attention in Spanish class." they both laughed.

Carmen came to kiss Miguel's head and rub Maeve's shoulder as a greeting.

Miguel's head turned red, which she thought looked very cute.

"I'm sorry, I'm late again. Things are crazy at the hospital."

"It's Ok. You're short-staffed." Miguel shrugged his shoulders, then he looked at her with big eyes. "But we saved you some food." They all smiled.

"So, did you guys decide what you're going as for the Halloween dance?"

"Well," Miguel started with narrowed eyes. "I was thinking Deadpool, but the costume's a little pricey."

His mom furrowed her brows. "Well, how much is it?"

"Oh, it doesn't have to be Deadpool." Miguel immediately cut in.

But Carmen was dead set on it. "You want a Deadpool costume? We'll make you a Deadpool costume."

Maeve though it was very sweet how they dealt with not having that much money. It reminded her of herself and her dad when he would try to recreate a toy or something for her and tell her that it was so much better then the real thing.

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