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"So one, two, three,

Take my hand

And come with me

Because you look so fine

That I really wanna make you mine"
~ Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet

C H A P T E R  T W E L V E

It was yet another day of Maeve watching her friends get better at karate.

Right now she was actually sitting on the floor for once, with her legs crossed, reading a book.

But she couldn't help but steal a glance at Eli from time to time.

Since he 'flipped the script' he had been more interested in her, sitting next to her at school or walking her to class.

He was occupying most of her time as of lately, but that didn't stop her from noticing the little text messages between Miguel and Sam, which still made her fell like someone hit her with an baseball.

Even then, Eli was there to distract her with something else.

She was pulled out of her daydream when Johnny instructed his students.

"Fighting positions." He looked around for any mistakes.

He then turned to Eli and kicked his food in the right position.

"Stabilize your base, Hawk." He called him by his nickname.

"Keep your balance. Full rotation when you strike." Johnny demonstrated the movement, which Eli copied with a yell. "Yes, sensei. Hai!"

Her dad then turned around to a smaller boy who flinched.

Johnny didn't like that. "Did you just flinch, virgin?" He asked the poor boy.

He then made an move to fake a punch at another guy, who also flinched.

"Holy shit. We got a room full of flinchers."

Everyone answered. "Yes, sensei."

Johnny yelled back at them. "That was not a question!"

He then turned to look at all of them. "Raise your hand if you've never been punched in the face."

That made most of the students raise their hands, including Eli.

"Put your hands down." They did what he said.

"All your lives, you've been avoiding fights, so you don't break your nose or lose a tooth. This concussion nonsense."

He moved to stand in front of them again. "So,there is only one solution, and that is before you leave this dojo, each and everyone of you is gonna take a punch, very hard, to the face."

Maeve just shook her head at her dad's strange methods.

"Miss. Robinson, line them up. Unflinch this group."

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