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Did you guys see the season 3 trailer and the announcement about a 4 Season?!😱😱


"You are somebody

That we don't know

But you're coming at my friends

Like a missile

Why are you mad?

When you could be GLAAD?"
~ You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift

C H A P T E R  T E N

The dojo was packed with students, excited to learn all about karate.

For the first time, Maeve wasn't sitting down in the back, instead she was standing in between Demetri and Eli.

Demetri still wasn't really liking the idea of learning karate.

He turned to Eli. "Why did I let you talk me into this? This goes against everything I stand for. It's like extra gym class for no reason." He complained.

Maeve rolled her eyes, all he ever did is complain about things.

"Let's just give it a Chance." She smiled at Eli, he seemed to be very happy to be here.

"You saw the fight. Miguel kicked ass." He continued.

They looked at Miguel who was already warming up with Aisha, both of them dressed in their gi.

Before Maeve could give her input, Johnny came out of the office.

"Ok. Today we begin...." but nobody heard him.

"Quite!" That always seemed to work.

"Good luck you guys." Maeve whispered to the two boys and sat down on her chair.

Then the training began.

"Face Front." Once everyone was turned towards him he made his way amongst them.

Then he started to make comments.

"Nice shirt." He said to Demetri.

"Thanks." Her friend replied.

"I'm joking. It sucks."

He then spoke to a long haired boy with glasses and braces who grinned at him.

"Word of advice. If you got shit for teeth, don't smile." That made the boy's smile disappear.

"God, makes me feel like a virgin, just looking at you." Johnny said to a smaller boy in a purple shirt.

The boy instantly lowered his eyes. Maeve felt bad for all of them.

Then he spoke to everyone. "When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers, I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits piping out."

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