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"You gotta fight

For your right

To party

You gotta fight

For your right

To party"
~ Fight For Your Right by Beastie Boys

C H A P T E R  S E V E N T E E N

The party was in full swing. Everyone was drinking beer or something mixed with vodka.

Maeve was having a blast, drinking with Aisha and talking to some people, while exchanging flirty smirks with her boyfriend.

She also found out that vodka mixed with orange juice was her new favorite drink.

They had just ended a conversation with some people, when they came across Miguel, who was still in a bad mood.

"Still nothing?" Aisha asked.

He looked annoyed, shoving his phone inside his pocket. "Nope."

Aisha though for a moment. "Maybe her phone died."

But that didn't seem to lift his mood.

"Whatever. Let's get the party started without her." He said, before grabbing a beer out of the cooler.

The girls watched him take a sip and started chuckling once he scrunched up his face in disgust.

Suddenly he took another gulp and almost emptied the whole bottle.

"Oh wow, slow down or the fun won't last long." Maeve said when he finished, but he didn't listen.


It was getting darker now and Maeve was currently dancing with her boyfriend without a care in the world.

She already had her fourth cup of vodka mixed with orange juice in her hand, while Hawk was drinking his beer.

He was twirling her around once in a while, which made her giggle.

Only this time he didn't let her go, but pulled her to his chest holding her tight.

"What are you doing?" She asked giggling, tipsy from all the alcohol.

He didn't say anything at first, only brushing her cheek and pulling her in for a soft kiss.

But it wasn't like their other kisses, this kiss was slow and sensual, full of love not lust.

And for the first time she realized how much she truly felt for the blue haired boy.

She didn't know why she said it, maybe it was the alcohol that made her feel extremely tipsy right now, but she still said those three words that she had never said with such meaning.

"I love you." She whispered as they separated, her eyes closed with an dreamy expression on her face.

Hawk stared at the beautiful girl in front of him that he had a crush on since forever.

And suddenly he felt nervous, he had waited for this exact moment for quite some time.

The way she smiled at him made his heart flutter in his chest.

"I love you too."

This time it was her who started the kiss and they didn't want it to end.

After a few minutes of just making out, they settled down on a log.

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