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"I'm always gone

Out on the go

I'm on the run

And you're home alone

I'm too consumed

With my own life

Are we too young for this?"
~ Softcore by The Neighborhood

C H A P T E R  S E V E N

Maeve came rushing out of the school building angrily, with tears running down her face.

She couldn't believe what just happened.

In her rage she could barely hear Miguel calling her name.

The dark haired boy wasn't allowed to come into the office so he waited outside the door.

He was incredibly confused once he saw her running out of the principal's office after hearing some yelling.

It wasn't like her to just leave school when she knew she still had classes, she took education very serious.

So he did the only thing he could think of and followed her to make sure she's okay. Miguel made sure to keep a slight distance from her to not anger her further.

The short girl stopped after a while when they reached a small beach area with only a few people and sat down in the sand.

Miguel sat down beside her and waited a few seconds before starting a conversation.

"So, you wanna tell me what happened in there?" He asked softly.

Maeve was still sniffing and looked at the sand below her. In that moment the wind blowed some hair in her face, so he softly brushed her hair and tears away.

She couldn't help but blush.

"You know you can tell me anything. I won't tell anyone." He said gently.

That made her look up at him. "I know. It's just.... god I'm just so angry at them."

She punched the sand next to her and buried her face in her hands before looking up at him again.

"I was sitting there and telling them about everything that happened. I didn't feel like he was even really listening to me, he couldn't even hold eye contact with me. I mean I do understand that this is a sensitive subject to talk about but I should have been the one being uncomfortable."

Miguel nodded his head, listening to her.

"Then he said 'Miss Lawrence I understand your problem, but don't you think that it could not have been direct groping?' And I was just sitting there not believing that this was actually happening. Then he said 'it has come to my attention that you have gained quite the reputation, and that might have caused this little misunderstanding between you and the other students. But let's be honest, nothing really happened right?' And then he laughed like it was nothing! I mean I have been sexually assaulted and he played it down like it was nothing!" She started crying again and this time Miguel hugged her.

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