first day at my new home

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Recap:and will that I fell asleep

End of recap
I woke up in a bedroom that was all white it only had a bed and a bathroom connected to the bedroom I was confused for a second but I remembered that I got adopted and just as I was about to get up the door open to see a girl that looked like she was 15 or 16 then she spoke.??:hi, oh um I'm charli Mia's friend she asked me to come and wake you up so we can go shopping and get stuff to decorated your room:) y/n:um hi I'm y/n I'll be down when I'm done getting ready. Charli:okay we will be waiting take your time. Y/n:okay thxs
Once she left I got up to get ready I seen I'm suitcase on the side of my bed I got my outfit on and walked downstairs.


Shoes^^  that bryce got you


When I walked downstairs I seen mia and charli with four girls and two boys Mia:oh hi honey how did you sleep? Y/n:good:) Mia:that's good oh and this is avani, kovuer, Dixie, Nikita, Larry and James everyone said hi soon as Mia said there name! Y/n:hi I'm y/n, nice to meet you guys! Mia:okay enough of the chat chat let's go to the mall!!!! tg:YES!!!! (tg=the girls) you guys got to the car and started singing to songs but you didn't want no one to know you can sing so you just liped sing charli's pov:we were singing when I saw a tattoo on y/n'S hand and I wanted to know if she had more so I asked. Charli:y/n is that a tattoo?  Y/n pov:when charli asked me if it was a tattoo I was scared because I thought she was going to hit me like my ex did. (Who should be the ex?) Charli:is that a tattoo? Y/n:y-ye-yes charli:it's looks cool. I was surprised she didn't hit me so I just said thxs. Y/n:thxs charli:np:)

The tattoo she saw^^
*skip when you get home*
*I'll put the stuff that you got in the third chapter*

Adopted by Thomas and miaWhere stories live. Discover now