day 14 in the hype house:)

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Y/n pov:I woke up to Bryce saying sorry. Bryce:I'm sorry y/n. Y/n:why are you sorry? Bryce: because I told you to leave me alone and I yelled at you. Y/n:I should be the one saying sorry,I took it to far and said I hate you. Bryce:do you actually hate me? Y/n:noo Bryce it's the opposite. Bryce:so you love me?! Y/n:yes Bryce I love you! Bryce:I love you too!! And with that you guys hug and he leaves to get ready for the day and you do too!



And you just straighten your hair!

You go down and say so to everyone about the prank and you guys all made up!

*Skip till 5:30 pm*
Thomas: EVERYONE COME DOWNSTAIRS NOW!!! everyone runs down stairs Inculeing
You! Thomas: okay good everyone is here, everyone go get ready we have a reservation a Saddle Ranch(Don't know if that what it's called) everyone:okay!! Y/n:nick can I choose your outfit?
Nick:uhh... Y/n:please:( nick:fineee y/n:yayyy!!! *5 minutes later* y/n:found one!!
Nick:not bad... might have you choose my outfits all the time when we go out! Y/!
Nick:whyyy! Y/n: anyways you get to choose my outfit! Nick: okay but I'm not good! Y/n: it's fine! *10 minutes later* Nick: here! Y/n:oOoOoO this it cute!

Nick's outfit↓↓

Nick's outfit↓↓

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Your outfit↓↓

Your outfit↓↓

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Y/n:what bag should I take? Nick:uhhh

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Y/n:what bag should I take? Nick:uhhh...OoOoO do this one! Y/n:good choice!

The bag↓↓

Nick:let's take an Instagram picture! Okay!

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Nick:let's take an Instagram picture! Okay!

CLIFFHANGER HAHAH love you guys bye loves!!! Thank you so much for 402 reads it means a lot I love you sorry for not updating early I was in class.hope you understand.bye loves!!!

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