Day 19😊🤍

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Y/n pov: i woke you and felt two big hands! I turn around and see there bryces. I wiggle out of his arms and walk up stairs leaving all the sway boys and nick(nick bean) sleeping in the living room! I enter my room i walk over to my closet and grab and white plan cropped t-shirt and some black sweats that say "still softish" and grabbing my speaker and phone. I walked in the bathroom and turned on my Bluetooth and connected it to my phone and stared to play my shower playlist! I then took of my clothes and turned off the water and hopped in! *30 minutes left* i got out of the shower and my dumbass forgot the damn towel! J opened the door to see Anthonys door in front and slightly opened. He was my only hope right now! Y/n:hey Anthony. I whispered! He looked around his room but didn't see me and went back on his phone! Y/n:Anthony! I whisper yelled!
He looked up and saw me! He looked me up and down then licking his lips! I didn't care much cuz i was behind the door! He then texted me!


Ant🐜😂:yes princess?

       You:can you grab me a towel?

Ant🐜😂:well bbg you got me hard so if i help you out will you help me out?
               You:Anthony please! Im being serious!

Ant🐜😂:and so im i.   So yes or no?

                You:no I'll ask someone else!

Ant🐜😂:okay bye!
Read 9:30 am
Any🐜😂:okay i see how it is I'll leave you on read next time too!
Read 9:31 am

I guess i will text jaden!

                               You:hey jay!
           You:can you do me a favor!
Rockstar🎸🎸:hit me with it!
     You:can you bring me a towel?
Rockstar🎸🎸:what bathroom?
                 You:the one infront of Anthonys room!
Rockstar🎸🎸:okay be there in a sec!!
                              You:thank you!

Now I wait for my towel!
30 seconds pass and Jaden comes with a towel in his hand!
He knocks on the door i open the door fully forgetting that i was naked! Jaden:omg! Y/n:omg im so sorry! I said covering myself! Jaden gave me the towel and came in!

CHIFFHANGER!!!! I love y'all so much🥺💕💕 thank you for 1k reads i cant thank you enough!! I love you all so so so so much!! Bye loves take care!🥺🥺

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