car ride with nessa!!

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Y/n pov:I was so mad that chase could do such a thing like that and what Josh is going to think Nessa was still crying I put her in the passenger seat and put her seatbelt on her and closed the door and walked to the drivers seat I put my seatbelt on and turn on the car and asked Nessa a question. Y/n:we're do you want to go To sway or your house? Nessa:can you take me to sway please.she said crying. Y/n: yeah np. *Skip when you got To sway* you got out The car and went to nessa's side and carried her like a baby cuz she was still crying uncontrollably! You knocked on the door and some guy you didn't know answered the door.??:can I help you? you just pushed past him and walked to the living room and saw the rest of the sway boys. Josh: what's wrong! Bryce:why is Nessa crying? Kio: yeah why? ??:hey you can't be in here! You just ignored him! Josh: Noah calm down! Noah:she just knocked and pushed past me and came in! Josh:Noah she's our friend! Y/n:stop the talking,Josh Nessa wants to tell you something! Josh: what is it Nessa? Nessa:y/n can you tell him please? Y/n:yeah Josh: okay what's wrong! Y/n:Nessa got raped! Josh:what...your kidding right?! Bryce:by WHO! you jumped cuz Bryce never screamed at you and you never saw him this mad. Y/n: Bryce calm down! Bryce:NO NOW WHO WAS IT!! Nessa started to cry more and started to have a panic attack. Y/n: Bryce stop yelling your making Nessa have a panic attack! Bryce: sorry. He said sad cuz he knew he also scared you. Y/n: Nessa breathe with me. * inhale* nessa:*inhale* y/n:*exhale* Nessa:*exhale* Nessa stopped crying and was breathing normally! Josh:okay now who was it?! Y/n: chase! Josh: first he tried to dm her. Now he raped her!! Bryce: WHERE DID CHASE DO!! Nessa started to cry again when Bryce said Chase's name! You huged Nessa and comforted her telling it was all going to be fine and you can put him in jail. Nessa:can you take me home. She whispered. Y/n: whispered to her. You got up and go your car keys and carried Nessa out to your car and dropped her off at her house with her mom and the police put chase in jail for 9 years for rape.

Im update tomorrow or later I love you guys bye loves

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