Day 16 part 5

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•skip when you get home with the cars• jaden:how much did it cost you? Y/n:about 2,500 or so!*I actually don't know* griffin:did i hear right? Y/n:I don't know what did you hear😂!
Griffin:2,500! Y/n:then you hared right! Jaden:let's just go inside! *the picture of the bmw is yours and you got them a tesla and your filming with your g7x now* you guys walk in side and all the boys expect anthony and kio are in there rooms! Bryce:where did you guys go? Jaden:dealership! Bryce:why? Griffin:she bought herself a car! Bryce:then why did y'all go? Y/n:i needed someone too film and drive the other car back! Bryce:you got two?! Jaden:no we picked up one of her friends car cuzs she wasn't available today! Y/m:actually the tesla is not my friends its bryce's! Bryce:WAIT WHAT!!! why did you buy me a car?! Y/n:cus you did so much for me! You saved my life when I tried taking it! You showed me not to care what other people think! You showed me how to love myself! You did a lot a stuff without knowing and its time for me to give back! Bryce:your joking right? Y/n:no❤️never about this stuff!

•skip to the next day•

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