day 15 part 3

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(I'm not doing recaps no more)

We got home and Soon as I got pass the front doors I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door behind me then locking it! *5 minutes pass*
I hear steps coming up the stairs.
My anxiety going higher each time I hear a step up the stairs!
*3 more steps* I hear a knock on my door,me not wanting to open it but I knew I had to or they will break the door down and they probably have keys to every room! I open the door to see Tony there telling me to go downstairs!
Tony:go back down stairs Thomas needs to talk to you!
Y/n:i-i don't w-want t-t-to!
Tony:hey hey it's going to be fine just tell him the truth. Okay?
Y/n:okay! Y/n pov:Tony and I walk down stairs. Tony infront of me so my anxiety can calm down and I don't explode on everybody! Soon as I get down the last step I look up and see Thomas, Alex, Ryland, Bryce, Taylor with mad faces and Mia and kovuer beside them but they don't look mad they look worried!
Bryce:y/n we're just going to ask some questions and your just going to answer them.okay?
Alex: yeah we're just gonna ask questions! Taylor:fine! Ryland: first question is "are you and Tony dating"?? Y/n:no! Taylor:then why did he say you said yes to him being your bf at the restaurant!! Y/n: because I wanted noen to leave me alone!!
Alex: that was all the questions now go back upstairs! Thomas:your grounded for 2 weeks and those 2 weeks your going to sway house!! Y/n:WHAT!!? THAT'S NOT FAIR!! Thomas: DON'T YOU DARE TO YELL AT YOUR DAD!!!! Y/n: YOUR NOT MY DAD!!! when I said that I  instantly regretted saying that because tears filled his eyes!
My anxiety went up and I didn't know what to do nor say so I just ran up to my room and locked my self again!!

Hi it's 1:15 am right now but I'm do another chapter right now and maybe one on avani's little sister or on Alex's little sister!! Anyways thank you for 603 reads it means a lot and we're so close to the face reveal!!! Anyways I LOVE YOU!!! Bye loves!!!!!!!!!!

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