Day 17 part one🦋🦋

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*Skip when nick is home and you both have your hair dyed! I'll put the pictures in the end* its now 5:34 pm! Me and Bryce made up and he just told me he was grumpy because he didn't film a video to put out today! I was in the same outfit that i had when nick came but with jadens hoddie! I was watching Rick and Morty when i got a phone call from my boxing manger🥊!
On the call:
Manger:where are you! The Match starts at 6:30 pm! Your supposed to be warming up by now!
You:sorry im On my way! Now!
Manger:okay bye!
*Call done*
I got up so quick I would be able to win a Marathon!😂 I got dressed into sum nike pros and nike sport bars! And my hair in a high ponytail! *the video of "you " fighting is at the top! And your the one in red gloves!* i walk downstairs and see all the boys there! Jaden:where are you going? Josh:don't you have a boxing match today? Y/n:and thats where im going! Bryce:can we come! Y/n:yes!

You know if you win or lose if you watched the video!

THANK YOU ALL FOR 1k ITS CRAZY!! IT MEANS A LOT! I DIDN'T THINK WE WOULD MAKE IT THIS FAR!! But all jokes a side thank I really appreciate it i will try and be more active and make more stories for you guys and a lot more updates! I FUCKING LOVE YOU GUYS AND GIRLS! Bye loves!! 

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