day 16 part 4

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Y/n pov:us three got out the shower and got dressed and the both put on sweatpants and Anthony had a black shirt and Josh had a white shirt! I wanted my own car instead of taking an Uber everywhere!
So I got dressed to go to the dealership to see so cars and I made enough money from tiktok, boxing and YouTube!
We all 3 walked downstairs
To see all the boys laughing then one decided to say sum!
Bryce:did y'all have a threesome!?
Blake:I think they did!
Josh & Anthony face turned red I'm surprised I'm not red nor embarrassed! Josh put his head in the crook of my neck and Anthony put his head in my chest!
Jaden:awww there shy!
Y/n:fuck off!
Y/n:anyways I need to go...bye everyone! I was about to walk away when I was pulled back by Josh and Anthony they were still hugging me!
Bryce:where are you going?
Y/n: that's a surprise!
Y/n:if I tell you where I'm going it's going to give the surprise away!
Y/n:yeah dumbass!!
I then try to walk out again but get pulled back by Josh and Anthony!
Q:aww there still shy!
Y/n:fuck off freshman!
Q: sorry!
Y/n: common Josh and Anthony your coming with me sence you don't want to let go! They both just nodded! I called the Uber and he said he was 15 mins away!
Y/n:okay the Uber is 15 mins away so can we go sit in the living room!?
They both nodded there heads no!
Y/n: please I don't want to be here for 15 mins!
Anthony & Josh:f-fine!
Y/n: thank God!!
We walked to the living room where everyone was at. We sat down in one couch! Anthony then moved his head to my lap and Josh on my shoulder! I then  scratched both of their heads!
Bryce:damn y/n got hoes!
Y/n:you already know!!
Griffin:do you have any girl hoes!
Y/n:why so you could ask for toe pics! haha!!
Bryce:passed the vibe check!
Y/n:I always do!!
Giffin:I'm being fr!
Y/n:okay okay yes I do!!
Y/n: because I have friends who can't pick up girls!
Y/n:who said it was you!
Bryce:wait I'm not your only friend!
Y/n:okay?...umm the Uber is here!
Anthony and Josh:we're staying!
Y/n:okay bye!
Everyone:bye have fun!
I walk back in the house and they look confused!
Bryce:I thought you were leaving?
Y/n:I am! Griffin your coming with me and you too Jaden!
Jaden & Griffin:say less... BYE!
The 3 of use walk out side in to the Uber!
*Skip to the dealership*
I payed the Uber and the Uber left!
Jaden:why are we in a dealership?
Y/n:I'm buy a car and I need someone to film!
Griffin:flim what!?
Y/n:here your my new camera man!
Jaden:and why I'm I here!
Y/n:my friend told me to pick up her car and I need someone to drive it back to the sway house!
Jaden:oh okay!
Griffin: aren't you going to do your into?
Y/n:I did already!


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