Day 18😊🤪

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Y/n:i woke up and did my morning routine and got dressed!
(Outfit at the top) it was 9:33 am so why not prank sum of the guys! So thats what i did!
Talking to the camera:hey welcome or welcome back to my YouTube channel and you know im back with a prank video cuzs  im prankster!! N-e-ways im tell sum of the sway boyd that i have a crush on them and see if they tell each other or not! So im set you guys up so i have 3 g7x's and one big main camera! So I'll put my main camera on this desk cus I always have it here! *skip to the actual prank* im call Jaden and tell him to come up here! I say to the camera whispering so they won't hear me!
On the phone with jaden: y/n: hey can you come to my room real quick? Jaden:whyyy? Im tired! He said whining! Y/n:please! It's important! Jaden:can it wait? Y/n:no! Jaden:fine im coming! Y/n: okay I'll be waiting!
Off the phone with jaden:
*you had jaden on speaker so the "fans" heard the conversation*
I hear a lil knock on my door! Y/n:come in! Just then Jaden walks in with no shirt and some sweats and messy hair! Jaden:what so important that you woke me up! Y/n:come sit down ba-jaden! I said acting like i was going to call him baby and also patting a spot next to me letting him know that he can come and sit! Jaden:okay? He said confused but still sat next to me! Y/n:i just needed to get this off my chest! Jaden:im listening! Y/n:i like you! Jaden:i like you too! Y/n:not as friends!i want to be your gf and i want you too be my bf!im in love with you! Jaden:sorry y/n but I don't feel the same way and one of the boys like you and I can't do that to them! Y/n:ohh its fine! I said faking tears to come out! Jaden:im sorry don't cry! Y/n:can you please leave me alone right now! Jaden:sorry. He said quietly and left the bedroom! Talking to the camera:omg I really did that oh well next boy😂😂! Im dooo? Uhh lets do uhhh kio!
                Pov king😂👑
You:hey i need to talk to you!
You:can you come up to my room🥺💕
                      Kio:yeah im Omw!
Kio came in my room and jumped on my bed waiting for me to talk!
Y/n:im just going to say it!....i like you more than a friend!
Kio:im sorry i need to go to a meeting! He that ran out my room! Well nice way to tell a girl you don't like her back kio😂 i said to the camera🎥!  Well now moving on too the next boys! •skip tell you tell all of them•
Y/n pov:i was in my room when I heard a knock on my door and I quickly truned on all the cameras just incase it was about the prank!
Y/n:come in!

CHIFFHANGER 😂🤣 thank you for 1k likes its like in a dream! I love you all🥺💕 BYE LOVES!!!

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