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"I have to get home."

"Aw, come on. Can't you stay a little longer?" A glossy pout and big brown eyes gazed up at him. 

Seth stared at the hand on his knee. Don't even think about it. He watched a long acrylic nail move rhythmically up and down his thigh before the hand rested on his knee once more. "Uh," As he searched the room for an excuse, his drunken mind could only focus on the hand that was once again in motion. "I really...really have to go. My-my partner i—" He slurred.

"Partner, huh? I love a little risk," the girl countered. His breathing hitched as he felt one of her fingers slide under his belt. 

One thing was for sure. He didn't know how he ended up in this room, and certainly this girl was just as drunk, or maybe high. This was one of the clubs his partner frequented. Jumping from spot to spot was their usual thing, but sometimes it was nice to visit old friends in a familiar place. At least, that's how they put it. However, this was not Seth's scene at all. He had come with his partner and planned to leave that way. But there were so many people there that were under the influence of drugs and alcohol that even if he was seen being brought into this room, they probably wouldn't have stepped in. Even Seth was guilty of drinking too much. Anything could be happening between him and anybody else and nobody would bat an eye. Well...maybe one person.

"Listen...lady," Seth let out a breathy, nervous laugh as the woman straddled him. "I.. need to get home." That was all he could muster. There was just too much alcohol in his system to coherently form an excuse to get out. He felt her other hand reach for his waistband and start fiddling with his belt buckle and quickly sat up straighter. "Youare...n-very. very very pretty, and-I findyou s'attractive," he rambled, "but I'm.. I have a. have a partner, and we arevery— very happy together."

Almost as if on cue, a flamboyant, somewhat masculine voice could be heard coming down the short hallway towards the room. "Seth, where are you?!" followed by a murmur and then, "No, he wouldn't just leave." He was talking to someone. Did we come here with someone else?

"Sssstefon..." The voice that escaped his lips didn't sound like his own. He wasn't even sure he was loud enough to be heard through the door.

The lady had just gotten his belt undone when she heard the name and froze. "Wait.. Stefon? Shit—"

No sooner than the words escaped her lips did the door swing open. The silence was awkward and tense, broken only by the music and the crowd just down the short hallway. Two figures stepped into the room and the door closed behind them. Seth knew he looked half dead, he could barely focus on what was happening as his last drink was finally starting to hit. His stomach was starting to turn. "Stefon," he echoed as his eyes blinked for what seemed like a long time.

"What the fu—"

"Stefon, listen." The profanity was cut off and the weight from Seth's lap was gone. "I- I didn't know he was with you." She sounded nervous. "I would've backed off if I did. He just said he was with someone. He never said who—"

"That doesn't matter! As soon as he said he was with someone, you should've backed off!" Stefon looked passed her to where Seth was slouched on a chair. His belt was undone, his hair disheveled, his face red. He was looking at the small group, but it was as if he wasn't really seeing them. "He's drunk. He's fucking drunk!"

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