Chapter 12

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"Woah woah woah, you are not getting away from me so easily. Why are you so distracted today?" Andy followed Seth out the studio door, keeping up with his quickened pace step for step. "I don't think a single joke came across as a joke and that has to be fixed before the show or Lorne will have your head."

"Yeah, but he'll give it back." Seth replied flatly as he pulled his car key from his pocket. It was obvious he didn't want to talk about his issues. He never did. But this week his performance had been especially rough and his friend didn't want to see him in trouble.

"Why don't we go grab a drink or something?"

"I don't feel like it." Seth's car lock clicked and he opened the door.

"Seth. Everybody can see you're upset. I just want to help you."

An exasperated sigh escaped him. "Fine. Get in."

They went to a local bar and sat down at a corner table with a couple beers. Seth explained the argument he and Stefon had and what led up to it. He included his meeting with Shy and how it led to the whole situation. It felt nice to finally get it all off of his chest.

Andy sipped at his beer and nodded thoughtfully. "And how long have you guys been together?"

"A few months, but—"

"So this is still pretty much the beginning of your relationship is what you're telling me."

"Kind of...we hooked up a little while before we made it official when we took that vacation, but yeah."

Andy took it all in as he finished his drink. Then he put his glass down and sighed. "I honestly think you overreacted a bit there, bud. Like pretty much the entire relationship has been Stefon listening to appease your overreactions...almost like a child to a parent," he added, mostly to himself.

"I don't think that's right." Seth leaned back in his chair as he tried not to get defensive to the man he just opened up to.

"Isn't it? I'm sorry to be blunt but it sounds like you don't even realize anything happened on your end. You have excuses for everything."

"I haven't made a single excuse." He scoffed and crossed his arms.

"I told him to drop his friend, but— I know I took his thing away, but— I violated his privacy because I I thought"

"Alright, I get it!" Seth threw his arms in the air.

"Look man, I'm your friend. I want to help you but you need to be open to honest answers."

"I am!" He realized his voice was really loud and took a deep breath to steady himself. "I am," he echoed quieter. He leaned in and propped himself up on his elbows, eyes looking everywhere but Andy. "I'm sorry. I'm listening."

"You can't keep treating him like a kid. Maybe the age gap is a bit much for you, or maybe you just enjoy having power over someone who won't talk back but this is not how you keep it. He's an adult, you have to trust him to make his own decisions. If they're stupid or dangerous, try to persuade him to do something to get out of the habit. Convince him to go to rehab orsomething. You can't expect him to be open to getting help right away. But if you force him into it and he's not open to it, his addictions are going to hit again as soon as he's able to allow it to happen, probably harder and more dangerous."
Andy sat back in his chair. "You made him stop going out at night and if that's the only time he was getting out of bed to begin with, who's to say that didn't only egg on his depression worse than the withdrawals? And his friend—"

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