Chapter 6

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The bed sunk down slowly behind Stefon as Seth tried to sneak in without waking him. The smell of alcohol clung to him and his breath reeked of it. He glanced at the alarm clock, 5:37 glowing bright red. His partner groaned as his weight pushed further onto the bed and he froze. Slowly but surely he lowered himself onto the bed and laid down. He wrapped his arm around Stefon's waist, flinching as the younger man rolled over in his sleep and instinctively threw his arm over Seth to cuddle. Seth pulled him closer, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He planted a kiss on the sleeping man's forehead and closed his eyes.

"Could you shut up for like two seconds, please? I'm not really in the mood." Stefon snapped at his cousin as he packed up a backpack of clothes and looked around his room for whatever else he might need. He woke up agitated, mostly due to Seth not being there when he woke up at 2:30 in the afternoon. Daylight had been wasted. There was very little time for him to have his article revised and edited. Stress just built on him and he didn't have a release.

"All I'm saying is wherever you've been has got you super worked up and it isn't healthy." Cecily continued her incessant rambling despite his protest. He reached under his mattress and pulled out an unopened pack of cigarettes, which he slipped into his front pocket hoping she wouldn't notice. "I think it's time I met this boy that's got you so head over heels that you don't come home anymore."

"I already told you," Stefon replied as he walked back over to his dresser and scanned the top of it. "you've met him. You do the math. We've all met him. Every single one of us. He's a family friend. Go call my mom or something."

"Yeah, because she'll pick up the phone."

"Fair." He put his hands on his hips and took one more glance around. The only thing left in his room that he needed out for now was his cousin and he knew she wasn't leaving until she got an answer. Defeated, he sighed and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. "It's Seth."

"Seth?" She tilted her head. Her eyes widened in surprise when she realized who he was talking about. "Holy shit, you mean the old guy from Weekend Update? You and him?? I never would've pinned him for your type. I would've guessed Shy but—"

"Yeah. Let's just keep this between us please. I already got shit from my mom about his age...and by the way, he's not old." he added. "He's just older."

Cecily nodded. "So your parents know—"

"Just mom, dad's been out of town for a while."

"Right— so your mom knows...but the people you live with can't know?"

"What are they going to say when they realize that this is actually happening, Cecily? What are they going to do when they realize it's not a phase like they've been trying so hard not to realize?"

"What's the worst they can do? Kick you out? You've got a place to go. You've already expressed that you don't want them thinking you're going through a lifelong phase. What do you have to be afraid of in telling them? You're an adult. They can't exactly keep you away from him." She had several good points. He didn't want to live with this weight of pretending he'll get over his 'phase' or not being able to tell the world about his relationship because he's afraid of what his family might say. "You might as well tell them who it is."

"I'll consider it. Only if Seth is with me though so they don't think I'm just being dumb."

"That's entirely fair. Now get out of here before they get home and think you're moving out on us." Stefon smirked. Annoying as she may be, his cousin was always one of few people who made him feel good about himself. Together they exited the bedroom and made their way to the front door. As soon as he left, Cecily locked the door.

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