Chapter 15

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"That was so fucking awkward." Stefon panted as he nestled himself into his friend's arms. "Why did you make me answer?"

Shy's breathing was just as hot and heavy. He gently kissed the love bites he left on the younger man's neck, as well as the few spots he actually bit and drew blood from in his impassioned trance. He smiled against Stefon's neck at his words and his body shook in silent laughter. "Because I love watching you squirm."

"You knew I was close and couldn't relax for a few seconds?"

"I mean, it would've been pretty funny if you finished while you were on the phone with him, but no. Stefon had to rush off." His nose rubbed softly against the younger man's jawline. His eyes glimmered mischievously.

Stefon's eyes narrowed. "You're evil."

"So I tried to get off on humiliating you. What's evil about a harmless kink?"

"Your harmless kink needs to stay in the bedroom and not involve answering my ex at two in the morning."

Shy chuckled. "What about Mr. Cooper?"

A blush crept over Stefon's face as he recalled ditching his best friend a couple weeks ago to make a move on the television journalist. Things had gone exactly as he'd hoped and they ended up hooking up while they were in the club. Then he got the older man's number and left, returning home to a very disappointed best friend. Nevertheless, he continued to reach out to Anderson. The two had really hit it off. Stefon found himself thinking about the older man regularly. The first big step was made that morning, when Anderson called him and asked if he wanted to get breakfast tomorrow morning. Shy had made a comment about a rebound, but Stefon denied the accusation. This was obviously love at work.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." Shy's lips met Stefon's cheek. He left a few kisses and gently maneuvered the other man's face with his hand until their lips connected again, this time at a slower, much softer pace. His index finger trailed around his friend's neck and down his spine. A shudder took hold of the other body.

Stefon's hands moved around the back of Shy's neck, only to be grabbed by each wrist and pinned to the mattress. The sudden change of pace shocked him. He let out an audible gasp. The older man's tongue slipped into his mouth and suddenly he was underneath his friend once more.

A growl came from the back of Shy's throat as he bit Stefon's lip. "Ready for round two?"


"Is Stefon here?"

Stefon poked his head out of the kitchen when he heard his name. He had finally gone back to his aunt and uncle's home and stayed there for a few weeks while Shy was busy working on a case. Despite his lack of control in most aspects of his life, he took his job very seriously and preferred not to have anyone around while he was figuring things out. If a case was won, he'd have enough money to buy a house and continue his nightlife fun, but he preferred his tiny apartment and lack of furniture. It left him with more money to get fucked up with and still guaranteed his bills would be paid. They still saw each other every night when Shy would return home and they'd go out clubbing all night as usual. Stefon's tolerance was rebuilding and he wasn't about to lose it by missing days.

Seth was standing at the door in front of Cecily, who looked like things were about to get awkward for her. Her parents were both at work, but that didn't stop Stefon from wanting to kill him for showing up at the house at all. He took his cousin's place. She ran up to her room, not wanting to be dragged into whatever was about to go down. When he heard her bedroom door close, Stefon turned to Seth with his arms crossed and leaned against the door frame, trying to come off as emotionless as possible. "How'd you know I'd be here?"

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