Chapter 24

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"Where have you been?" Stefon asked, starting Seth as he tried to tiptoe into the darkened apartment. He flicked on the light to see his fiancé laying across the couch with his head propped up on a throw pillow. His voice was raspy, eyes droopy, and Seth assumed the lock turning pulled him from whatever light sleep he had fallen into.

"I thought you were going out tonight, so I grabbed drinks with a couple buddies after work," he responded. He dragged himself over to the couch and sat on the floor with his legs crossed so they were at eye level. He brushed the hair from his eyes and murmured, "How are you feeling?"

Stefon closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. Seth's nails brushing through his hair left a tingle as they moved, picking themselves up at the back of his head and starting over at the front. "I'm okay," he mumbled. "I got sent home today. Department head told me to take a day to sleep it off. Something something performance down, you get the idea."

Seth's lips pressed together tightly. "Stefon, I know you're going through a tough time right now and I don't want to hinder your recovery, but maybe a few nights at home would be good for you."

"I don't want to be alone. It gets quiet and my mind gets loud."

"I know. Believe me, I know." He sighed.

After Stefon's argument with Shy he had a total meltdown. He was enraged at the thought his best friend would stoop so low instead of just telling him he was in need of attention. Seth had even brought up that he thought it was weird Shy had tried to stick around after learning Stefon had been sleeping all day. He had expressed over and over again that he understood the severity of Stefon's schedule yet a single day without him had become too overwhelming. Stefon feared that it would hinder his progressing relationship and maybe even force him into quitting his job. So when he suggested getting help for his abandonment issues, it was all in good nature, even if it was angrily delivered. Stefon told Seth that he probably wouldn't be able to hold up his end, but some time away from Shy seemed to be what they both needed before this could get any worse. He still went out every night, but left if he ever so much as glimpsed his friend, who almost seemed to be following him around now.

"So I've been thinking," Stefon began, changing the subject and turning on his side to face his partner. "What do you say we look into getting a house?" Seth tilted his head. "I just mean like, the apartment is fine for now, but between both of us, we make enough to be able to afford something small. And I'm so tired of being so dead center of the city."

Seth snickered. "I think this is a conversation for tomorrow. At least we'll be awake enough to not make any rash decisions." It got quiet for a moment. Stefon's eyes glimmered admirably at his partner. He reached out and poked the tip of his nose, earning a grin from the other man. Seth gave a kiss in response. "How about we go to bed?" he murmured.

"I'm not tired anymore."

"Oh, don't be stubborn," Seth laughed. "I'd carry you but I think you're too tall to stretch across the hallway.

"Gee, thanks." Stefon rolled his eyes. "I just don't wanna move." He reached his arms out. "Come here. I'll be your bed. Cuddle with me."

"Stefon..." the older man gave him a look that said 'really?', a look he'd learned to love from several Weekend Update appearances.

"Ugh! Fine." He pulled himself into an upright position and patted the couch next to him for Seth to sit. 

Seth hauled himself off the floor and onto the couch. He put an arm around his fiancé and looked around. "We really need to clean this place up," he commented.

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