Chapter 22

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Seth had been laid up in bed for a couple days and refused to allow Stefon into the apartment. He was sick and he didn't want anyone to catch it. It was a cold, he knew, but he didn't want to risk being contagious. Poor Stefon had been so heartbroken over not seeing his beloved. So when Seth felt better, he decided he was going to surprise his partner at work.

It didn't help that in the time he was out of commission, Stefon and Shy had gotten into an argument and refused to acknowledge each other's existence. It was bound to happen, he thought, with the amount of time they usually spent together. Their banter was already pretty vicious regularly, but this time seemed less about a joke and more the bothersome—in more ways than one—incident that occurred. He was sure they would make up soon, seeing as Stefon could barely go a few minutes without so much as a word about his best friend. Clearly upset, Seth was sad to spring on him the idea of having to go home for a few days. Spring had sprung and with it came allergies and head colds. It was just something he would have to get used to.

Recently Seth had caught Stefon looking at apartments for himself online. He wasn't exactly sure why, considering he had a nice big apartment he was willing to share. Maybe he just finally wanted to get out of his uncle's home and into his own. But if that were the case, he would be paying rent for a place he barely went home to. Seth wondered if he was just tired of having people around him. Seth had his own apartment for space and Shy had his, but Stefon went between a house and two apartments where there was always someone around. Alone time in a single bedroom was just not enough for him anymore.

Seth leaned up against the brick wall of the building, a single rose in hand. It was nearly time for Stefon to be off work. Then Seth had an evening set out for them that he didn't discuss with the young man first. The whole thing was an impulsive surprise. He just hoped Stefon was having a good day, or that it would cheer him up if he wasn't. He smiled as he thought about the night ahead. His stomach was in knots, but the good kind.

When Stefon finally emerged from the building, following a small crowd, Seth straightened himself out. He waltzed over to his partner and held the flower under his nose before he even registered the presence of the older man. Confused, he grabbed the rose from the foreign hand and glanced up. His eyes lit up when he saw Seth. In a moment of unadulterated excitement, he threw his arms around the the older man's neck and crashed them both back into the wall.

Seth quickly caught himself before Stefon could drag him down and took control of the situation. He led the young man to his car and asked about his day as they drove off. Much to his delight, Stefon rambled as though he would never speak again. It was nice hearing nonsense after a few days of deafening silence.

"—and then he literally had the audacity to tell me that I'm the one being immature here. Like, are you trying to keep this going? I just reached out because I thought you might want to talk this out, but if you're going to continue to bitch then so am I. You know?" 

Seth knew he wasn't expecting an answer, but he gave one anyway. "I think you're both being a little immature. You're fighting like women over a god damn night out, for crying out loud. Not to be a jerk, but this is by far the dumbest reason I think I have ever heard for someone to stop talking to their friend."

"You just don't get it," Stefon said, crossing his arms and turning his knees to face the door.

"Well then, explain it to me, please."

"I was upset and he knew it! I didn't want to go out and he got mad and started acting all immature over it."

"I feel like this wouldn't still be going on if you hadn't yelled at him all night over it, though."

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