Chapter 20

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Things started getting more complicated in Stefon's relationships. Though he and Seth had wanted to take things slow, he found himself wrapped up in the older man's arms nearly every dawn.  He hadn't told Shy, but he got the feeling best friend knew when he stopped following him home after parties. Then there was Cooper. Stefon didn't want to hurt him. He was such a great guy, so perfectly romantic and willing to work with the younger man's eccentricities. But he knew he had to break up with him if he was going to continue to pursue Seth, against his and Shy's better judgement.

The day came where the stress became too much for Stefon. He called Anderson and asked him to meet somewhere private, figuring this may be a bit emotional. However when they did meet and Stefon told him honestly what was going on, it seemed like the older man already knew. He didn't seem upset, promised to still be friendly and keep in touch, and he did exactly that. Every day Stefon would receive a message from the journalist asking how he was doing, telling him about parties he'd heard about or went to, and Stefon would return the favor.

Shy was not keen on the idea when they talked about it, but as suspected, he already knew. The two things he demanded were an apology and to help his friend place boundaries. He wasn't about to lose the one person who kept him sane over the same guy for the second time. Stefon set up a meeting between the two men. Together all three of them sat down in Seth's apartment and talked. It was awkward for bit knowing they had all hooked up with each other at one point or another, but it passed as they got down to business.

Now Stefon sat behind the Weekend Update desk announcing he was soon to be the future Mrs. Stefon Meyers in a gag created by the writers. It had been a couple months between their relationship getting back together and this show. The two men ran backstage following their performance, Stefon in a world of bliss. Life was substantially harder to manage with his new job and still trying to maintain his nightlife frenzy, but he always looked forward to sitting behind the desk where the two had met originally. Seth knew how much it meant to him and had pushed for weeks to get the time for him to do this.

Stefon followed Seth into his dressing room and closed the door. "So I was thinking," he began, "and I think it might be time to introduce you to my as my boyfriend."

"You think so?" Seth asked. Stefon watched him loosen his tie as he took a seat in the chair in front of the vanity.

"The relationship is way different this time around. I think you deserve that much for giving it the effort," he explained as the older man took off his dress shirt and replaced it with a t-shirt. "even if their reactions aren't great."

"But don't they know you're gay? I mean, it's kind of hard to miss."

"Yes, but that's not the important part. They still don't know about us. They think it's a bit. They've thought it was a bit from the very beginning. I'm pretty sure they're somehow still convinced it's this lifelong phase I'm going through and maybe showing them I actually have a boyfriend now could change that."

"I suppose that's fair," Seth replied as he slipped into a pair of jeans. "So when do you want to do this?"

"I have a day off on Thursday. We could do it in the morning." Stefon took a small container  from his pocket and popped something from it in his mouth. Seth barely caught the action.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" Seth raise his eyebrows. "Oh! That was acid that I stole from Shy. Want some?"

"Uh, no? Why would you do that here?"

"Well by the time we leave, the high will be just about starting to hit and I planned on going out tonight. It's probably my favorite for nights when I'm this happy because it like...enhances it if that makes sense. You should come! You're not working tomorrow."

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