Checking you out

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It was dinner time, I was sitting with a few friends and although I'd finished a while ago leaving wasn't in my cards right now.

"I'm almost finished (y/n) just give me five minutes." Sarah begged and I just waved her off.

"Yeah yeah I'm not going anywhere." Lazily leaning back seeing the large amount of candle floating above us. Dessert was served a while ago so several people had left either finished their meal or not eating much at all.

"(Y/n) nine o'clock!?" Tess said kicking me from the other side of the table.

"Ouch." Her head tilted towards further down the table.

"Someone's looking at you." She spoke through her teeth. I raised an eyebrow not seeing what she was talking about.

"So you kick me for what?" I growled at Tess rubbing my shin.

"Oh, he must have noticed. Damn it."

"Maybe it was from your not so subtle kick to my leg." Sarah laughed through the cake she was finishing.

"Whatever. One of the twins was totally checking you out." She giggled jumping up and down in her seat.

"Oh, which one?" Sarah gushed and I rolled my eyes.

"How am I meant to know that. They basically look the same. Either one would be a total catch." She then gasped. "You'd be a total power couple." The idea one of them even paused to look at me is slim, Tess tends to go over the moon very quickly.

"Ok, Tess you are mental. Some spiked your pumpkin juice at dinner." Standing the two other girls stood.

"Or I could be onto something. I'm a matchmaker." She spoke keeping up the conversation while walking on the other side of the table before walking over jumping on my back. "Leap of faith!"

"Yeah just like the time you set up Sarah and lee together. She cried for over two months and get off me." Tess laughed giggling as we got closer to the twins who I noticed with a glance they were indeed looking our way. It made me bite my lip.

"Ooo stop drooling," Tess whispered nudging my ribs.

"If you don't stop I'll." As I got out my wand Sarah grabbed it from my grasp.

"Catch me if you can." Before she ran off I court her wrist.

"Court line and sinker. You'll need to be quicker than that." Giggling I ran ahead of the two of them.

"She's loose." Tess called at Sarah and I laughed running out into the hallway. The previous conversation ended which I was happy about and I thought the whole thing ended all together until later that night.

I'd just finished getting ready for bed when Tess came into our room pulling me down the stairs to the common room.

"Tess come on just tell me what's going on." The room was empty mainly because it was just past 11 so most people were asleep. She brought me to the couch in front of the fire where Sarah was. "What are we doing? Can't we talk in our room?" Both hands went to her hips standing tall above me. Sarah joined her. "Are we having a stare down... Because honestly, I'd rather watch paint dry at this point."

"Do you like one of the twins?" I raised a brow at her.

"What the hell. I thought this was over. Tess, I haven't thought about it before. Are we really staying up this late to talk about your overactive imagination?" I went to stand and she frowned.

"Please. I won't tell I just want to know which one you'd pick." Tess begged and I sighed.

"We're your best friends since first year. We can keep a secret." They want to know something I don't have an answer for, why out here when our room is fully capable for this conversation.

"Guys I do trust you just please drop the conversation, I don't know either of them well enough." This was getting out of hand. How did they take one little thing and go crazy over it?


Classes the next day were normal. Potions was the only class I had with the twins. I mostly kept to myself, mostly because potions was my least favourite class, so I had to pay attention.

"Groups of three." Professor Snape said in his normal monotone voice. Everyone stood, I turned to Sarah only to see her in a group. She never does that. Why would...

"(Y/n)." I heard two voices say, I knew who it was. Grabbing my notebook and turning the twins waved me over.

"Join our group." One said. Not sure which one I unconsciously bit my lip seeing all the groups already formed.

"Uh yeah sure." We started brewing when I saw Sarah give me a thumbs up. What is wrong with my friends.

"Earth to (y/n)." The twin on my left said. Shaking my head I added in the next element.

"Sorry. I really suck at potions." They both smirked.

"Well, you're doing fine."

"If we were making a smoke bomb." I went wide-eyed stepping back from the small pot in front of me. They both laugh.

"George was just kidding." So Fred was on my left and George on my right... Ok. "We're almost done." A hand went to my chest.

"Merlin. I thought I was going to lose an eyebrow. I know how Tess feels in our dark arts class."

"Stop talking. Class will finish in five minutes." The twins both raised their eyebrows once snape could see. I giggled turned the dark coloured liquid with a long metal spoon.

"Isn't there like another half hour of class to go?" My question lead then to both shrug at the same time.

"I would say he's in a bad mood..." Fred started before George finished.

"But he's always in a bad mood." Covering my mouth with my hand I tried not to smile. Snape looked at the three of us and we all simultaneously went back to work. I knew they were funny but I never actually thought I'd have a conversation with them.

"We're going to get in trouble." I whispered and they both have me a toothy smile.

"Na far from it," Fred spoke.

"In fact let's get out of here." I tilted my head to the side, clearly confused.

"But what about...."

"You're finished?" Snape looked at the calderon before dropping something inside it. The colour changed to red and he nodded. "You're dismissed." George already had my belongings in his hands while Fred lightly grabbed my shoulders pushing me out of the class. I knew Sarah was having a ball of a time watching this unfold.

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