An Unexpected Meeting

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You're walking through Vale on a late night, going to get more ale for your tavern.

"*whistles* Hey what's going on in there?" You walk past a Dust Shop and inside you see people with guns and swords.

"Sate sate sate." Just then one of the goons fly through the glass window.

"Sate sate sate." You lean on a wall and look over at the commotion. You see a little girl in a red hood with a giant scythe.

"What?" You say shocked. You look over at the criminal who was robbing the store.

"Okaaay... Get her." He tells his henchmen. She takes out each goon with ease, using her scythe more as a hammer against the goons.

"Worth every cent, truly you were. Well, Red I think we can say this has been an eventful evening, and as much as Id love to stick around..." He points his cane at her.

"I'm afraid this, is where we part ways."

"No!" You run out just before he fires the shot
and you take it. You see the man go up a ladder.

"Uhm hi?" The girl says to you.

"Yo. What's up?" She blinks a few times, then looks at the shopkeep.

"You mind if we go after him?" He nods. You don't follow just yet, just to see what she can do. You jump up on the building nearby and sit to watch.

"Hey!" She yells.

"Persistent." An airship rises from beside the building, he hops in and holds a fire dust crystal.

"End of the line Red!" He throws the crystal at her.

"Aw crap!" You jump toward her, he fires his weapon at the crystal.


You reflect the shot back at the ship, it somehow dodges it, but just barely. You just noticed that your on a woman's shoulders as you did that.

"My bad." She looks at you shocked.


"Yo Glynda, how you been?"


"Sure, after this though." You quickly get off.

"You're gonna oweee me..." You poke her boobs, she punches you in the head.

"None of that."

"Fine fine, you're no fun." Glynda begins to create clouds above the ship, raining down icicles upon the airship. You see a woman in a red dress walk to the door of the airship.

"My my... it's been a while." You say. The woman starts firing fireballs at you, you dodge and run around them, making her miss you jump up at the ship.

"Nice to see you again." Her eyes widen and the ship flies away. You land on the building in front of Glynda.

"You, with me now!" Glynda yells out.

"Woah, right now? There's a kid right there!"


"Wait, you're a Huntress!" The girl looks at Glynda.


You, Glynda and the girl arrive in a darkened room in the nearby police station.

"I hope you know your actions tonight will not be taken lightly young lady. You put yourself and others in great danger."

"They started it!" You chuckle a little.

"If it were up to me, you'd be sent home..."

"With a pat on the back..." The girl smiles a little.

"And a slap on the wrist!" She slaps her riding crop on the table.

"But. There's someone here who wishes to meet you." She moves over and you see an old friend.

"Ozpin! What's up?!"

"Oh great, you're back." He says sarcastically, he smiles at you.

"It's great to see you again."

"Likewise old pal'." You smile back. He turns his attention back to the girl.

"Ruby Rose..." You smile at hearing that.

"You... have silver eyes." You take another look and realize he's right, her eyes are silver.

"Hm, you're right."

"So, where'd you learn to do this?" He shows her video of her using her weapon.

"S-Signal Academy?"

"They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons designed?"

"One teacher in particular."

"I see." He puts a plate of cookies in front of her. You swipe one.

"What? I helped too." You munch on the cookie.

"The only person I know like that, is a dusty old crow.

"Dash ma ukle!" Ozpin looks at her like she's crazy.

"Gah, sorry, that's my uncle, he's a teacher at Signal, he taught me everything I know."

"I know Qrow, old guy; has a stubble? Usually drunk?" You ask her.

"That'd be him..." She replies.

"He's a good guy, can't hold his liquor though."

"What's an adorable young girl like yourself doing going to an academy to train Huntsmen?"
"I want to be a Huntress."

"Hm, I can see it." You say aloud.

"That's a good aspiration to have. Now, why are you here?" He looks at you.

"I was going out to get ale for The Boar Hat, me and Hawk are running low on it."

"I see. It's been a while, where have you been this entire time?"

"Mostly Vacuo, the ale there is top notch stuff, we should go some time."

"Across the continent?"

"I do it all the time."

"Cross the continent?!" Glynda says.

"No, drink Vacuian ale." Glynda facepalms.

"Wait, you guys know him?"

"Is that weird Rubes?" You ask.

"I mean, you look my age, and you're talking about drinking."

"Is a secret Rubes, sorry." She pouts. Ozpin turns his attention back to Ruby.

"Do you know who I am?"

"You're Professor Ozpin, you're the headmaster at Beacon."

"You want to come to my school?"

"More than anything." He looks at Glynda and she just groans.

"Well okay."

"I can help Glynda, ease some stress." You get behind her and begin grabbing her boobs. She uses her Telekinesis to lift you away.

"You're coming to Beacon as well, go get Hawk's mom and Hawk and we'll see you soon." She says.

"You sure that's a good idea? What if I'm recognized?"

"Then do what you do best, fight." She flings you out of the window and away.

"That woman has a way with words, but Ruby is precious to me, I will protect her, I couldn't protect Summer, but Ruby will never come to harm. I swear it."

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