Wake up pt.1

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Jasmine and the band, 'Sunset Curve' were at the Orpheum. " Now or never" were the last lyrics the band sung as they finished out the melody. They turned back to face the front as a few of the workers congratulated them on the sound.

" Thank you, we're Sunset Curve" Reggie called putting to the girl who was cheering louder than the others. Jasmine could feel the adrenaline rushing through her body. This was going to be the best night she was probably going to have.

" Too bad we wasted the tightest we've ever played on a sound check!" Bobby and Luke fist bumped. " Wait until tonight, man, when this place gets packed with record execs" Luke looked towards the front of the stage. " Alex, you were smoking up there" Jasmine congratulated the blonde haired boy.

" Oh no. I was just warming up. You guys were the ones on fire" Alex tried to dismiss the compliment. " Dude! Except that you were awesome up there!" She congratulated him again. Alex looked to Luke and Reggie when they agreed with her. " All right, I was killing it" Jasmine laughed and gave him a high five.

" Ok, well, I'm thinking we fuel up before the show. I'm thinking street dogs" Luke suggested. " I don't know, really?" Jasmine questioned. " Yes, really. What could go wrong?" Luke asked her. She gave in. " 10 bucks says that Bobby tries to hit on the waitress" Jasmine whispered to Luke while they were getting off the stage. " Deal" he agreed.

" Hey, Bobby. Where you going?" Alex asked as the group followed him. " I'm good. Vegetarian. I could never hurt an animal" Bobby said to the girl. Jasmine looked over at Luke with her hand out. He sighed and grabbed 10 from his wallet. " How do you do that?" He asked, while she just shrugged her shoulders. She knew Bobby, hell, he tried to flirt with her as they got older.

" You guys are really good" the girl said as she stopped wiping the tables. " Thank you" Jasmine and Luke said in unison. They made eye contact as Jasmine sent a teasing wink his way. " I see a lot of bands. Been in a couple of myself. I was really feeling it" Jasmine have her a smile. " That's what we do this for. I'm Luke, by the way" he introduced himself. " Jasmine", " hi, I'm Reggie", " Alex", " Bobby" they all introduced themselves one by one.

" Nice meeting you guys. I'm Rose" she introduced herself. Jasmine and Alex watched out of the corner of their eyes as Luke wet his finger and stuffed it in Bobby's ear. " Oh, uh, here's our demo. And a t-shirt, size beautiful" Reggie handed Rose a disc and shirt. While Jasmine chuckled lightly and hit him on the chest, trying to get him to keep from embarrassing himself more.

"Thanks. I'll try not to wipe the tables down with this one" Rose threw the shirt over her shoulder. " Oh, good call. Whenever they get wet, they just fall apart in your hands" Alex demonstrated what it looked like. Jasmine slightly chuckled to herself.

" Don't you guys have to get hotdogs?" Bobby questioned them so he could have a chance at flirting with Rose. " Yea, he had a hamburger for lunch" Luke mentioned to the girl as the threw an arm around Jasmine's shoulder pulling her away, the boys following.

" That's what I'm talking about!" Reggie chuckled at Luke as he pushed open the doors. " The smell of Sunset Boulevard?" Alex question as he scrunched up his nose, not liking the smell at all. " No" Jasmine laughs as she kicked a puddle of water. " It's what that girl said in there tonight. About our music, all right? It's like an energy. It connects us to people. They can feel us when we play. I want that connection with everybody" Luke explained as he wrapped his arms around the three. Jasmine furrowed her brows, she wasn't so sure wants that connection with everybody, everybody.

" Then we're gonna need more t-shirts" Reggie teases. " Let's go boys" Jasmine pulled her jacket closer to her, she was starving, but she felt like she could get sick. Maybe just because of all the energy. Reggie handed out the shirts to two girls. When they realized who it was, they started calling out to him.

The four of them were putting what they wanted on their hot dogs. Jasmine looked over at Alex as he dropped pickle juice on the car battery. " Hey!" Alex called out to the man. "Sorry, I got some pickle juice on your battery cables" he apologized. " Don't worry. It'll help with the rust" the man dismissed it and then started laughing. " That can't..." Alex started shaking his head. " I know, Alex. Let's just try and move on" Jasmine tugged on his arm and walked over to Luke and Reggie.

" This is awesome, you guys" Luke smiled as they took seats on a dirty couch and a chair for Jasmine. " We're playing the Orpheum!" Jasmine said excitedly. " I can't even count how many bands have ended up playing here and then ended up being huge. We're gonna be legends!" Luke exclaimed as the boys leaned back on the couch. " Eat up, boys" Luke held up his hotdog. Jasmine cleared her throat, " and Jasmine" Luke added. " 'Cause after tonight everything changes" they all saluted and took a bite.

" New flavor?" Jasmine questioned with a mouth full of hotdog, Alex agreeing with her. "Chill guys, street dogs haven't killed us yet" Reggie dismissed and they all ate another bite. Well it turns out, tonight was the night. Death by hotdog. What a way to go.


The bell rung, dismissing students from class. Julie Molina kept her head down as she made her way to her locker. " Hey, underachiever" her best friend, Flynn walked up to her. " Hey, disappointment" Julie replied. " Ok, I know you don't want me to ask, but have you figured out what you're gonna do today?" Flynn questioned. " I'll know in the moment" Julie sighed. " Really, Jules? That's all you're giving me? Mrs. Harrison said this is your last chance" Flynn stressed.

" I know. I was there" Julie replied calmly. Flynn sighed. " See you at the rally!" Flynn and Julie looked over to see Carrie hand out flyers. " What is she handing out?" Flynn asked in disgust. " Desperation?" Julie questioned quietly, making both girls laugh. " Here you go. My groups performing at the spirit rally tomorrow. I'm sure you guys had nothing better to do" Carries said in an upbeat tone, but she was sarcastic. " Oh my gosh, Carrie. Thanks!" Flynn replied with the same energy.

" Oh my gosh, Flynn. Don't bother coming!" Carries smiled, turned and left. Flynn crushed the flyer in her hand. " Nick? Still?" Flynn questioned as she noticed Julie staring. " You know they're gonna get married and have a bunch of demon babies" Julie thought Flynn was being over dramatic.

" Nick's a sweetheart" Julie disagreed. " You'd actually have to talk to him to know that. And only one of them had to be a demon to make a demon baby" Flynn reminded her. " Demon!" Carrie turned around while Flynn and Julie turned back to face the lockers, both laughing.

Julie was now up next in her music class. She stared at the piano as her fingers brushed over the keys. " I can't, I'm sorry" Julie stood up and apologized. " Is this when we clap?" Carried asked rudely. Julie ran out. " Watch it, Carrie" Flynn warned as she went after her best friend.

Julie was at the table doing some homework. "Oh good, you're home" her dad came down the stairs. " I was about to go watch your brothers game. I've had photo shoots all day. Didn't even get a chance to eat. But... I got a phone call today" he took a seat right next to Julie. " Yea, I figured" she sighed as she took off her glasses. " It was my realtor friend" Julie let a sigh of relief, " oh, that" she said.

" Yea, and she says if we are serious about selling the house, then she wants me to take some pictures for the website. Which means we have to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of some stuff. And maybe you can... tackle mom's studio?" He suggested. Julie sighed as the smile dropped from her face. " You're the expert. You know your brother and I wouldn't even know where to begin. It's ok, honey. If you're not ready, I-" her dad tried to persuade her but he saw the look on her face.

" No, it's all right. Maybe I'll try tonight" she tried to have an upbeat tone. " Yeah?" Her dad clapped his hands happily. " Awesome, mija. Thank you. Oh and don't forget the loft. You know those old instruments that were there when we moved in? They need a new home" her dad stood up. " Mom would like that" she said in a soft tone. " Yea, she would. Oh god. I'm gonna be late. I can't find my keys" her dad panicked. " Under the mail" she pointed towards the counter. He smiled and walked over, lifted up a few envelopes and they were right there. He said goodbye and left.

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