Flying Solo pt.3

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Jasmine was upstairs, while Reggie and Luke were working on turning the poem into a song. " Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day. I know all your secrets, you know all my deep dish. Guess that means that somethings..." Luke was singing, but got cut off by Reggie.

" Wait, so... when she says, "deep dish", is she talking about, like, pizza, or..." Reggie asked confused. Then, Alex appeared. " Oh! Hey, man. Where you been?" Reggie asked curiously.

" Um, kind of everywhere. Yea. No, I met a new ghost friend" at the sound of his voice, Jasmine closed her notebook and poofed downstairs. "Alex! Thank god you're here! I couldn't take it anymore" Jasmine wasn't gonna lie, being in an all boy band can get a little annoying.

" Oh, look who decided to grace us with her presence" she rolled her eyes as she ignored Luke and payed attention to Alex. " For real?" Reggie asked. " Yea, he answered a ton of questions" Alex explained.

" Ohhhh. A he? Is he cute?" Jasmine wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Alex. She was excited to hear about another ghost. When Luke heard Jasmine ask if the ghost guy was cute, he shot his head straight up and side eyed her, thinking nobody could see. But Alex and Reggie definitely saw.

" Yea? Like whether Julie was gonna join the band or not?" Luke ignored her question and tried to focus back on Julie becoming apart of Sunset Curve.

" Um... Well, we didn't... We didn't really get to that, but I think I know why we're here. Ok? All ghosts have, like, unfinished business. So, we need to do our unfinished business so that we can cross over" that peaked Jasmine's interest. She wanted to cross over, but it's like she was split in two. Between her heart and mind. Her mind wanted to go start something new with her boys. Her heart knew that she couldn't deny that she was getting attached to Julie and being here. Another big reason why she also wouldn't want to cross over is because of her family.

" Why would we do that?" Luke asked, causing everybody to turn and face him. " I'm just saying, this is like our second chance. All we need to do is get Julie to play with us" he shrugged as he explained.

" Yea. Not only can that girl sing, she can write too. Luke and I made a killer melody to one of her lyrics" Reggie agreed with Luke, which wasn't a shocker. " Oh... Without your drummer and Jas. Cool" Alex said a little hurt.

" Drumming is so '90's. Ok? We're just gonna... stomp our feet now. And besides, Jasmine was here while we were writing the lyrics. She could've joined if she wanted to" Luke shrugged it off. " Yea, well. It's called respecting people's privacy, something you don't know anything about" Jasmine took offense to what he said. The guys looked over at Jasmine after her rude tone. She didn't mean for it to sound like that, she was just stressed about a very important day coming up.

" Ok. Well, you know what else is so '90's? Being rude. All right? Get woke. These are sensitive times" Alex shoved the notebook back in Luke's chest. " Aw, Alex. Ow" Luke mumbled as the notebook hit him.

" Learned that from my ghost friend" Alex whispered to Jasmine and Reggie. " Woke" Reggie repeated, as Alex chucked. " What does it mean?" Jasmine asked curiously. " No clue" Alex was as curious as the others.

" Tell me about him" Jasmine pushed Reggie aside so she could stand in front of Alex. " Is he tall? Nice eyes? Oh, tattoos? I love a guy who has tattoos" She rambled while Alex just chuckled. " I think you're describing the type of guy you want" Alex and Jasmine talked amongst themselves while Luke listened in.

He wasn't so happy on the fact that there's another guy ghost around Jasmine. Well he wasn't around Jasmine, but, he didn't want somebody else, a complete stranger, to take up all the time he could be having with her writing songs. 'Yea, writing songs. That's it' Luke agreed in his head.

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