He did what?!

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After Julie and her dad talked, she went up to her room to change and wait. Once she knew that her dad and brother were asleep, she snuck into the garage where she knew the ghosts were waiting.

As she quickly opened the door, she could hear laughs coming out. When she shut the door, she was met with five ghosts standing in her face. " Julie!" They all cheered. " Shhh!" They looked at her weirdly.

" You do know that you're the only one who can hear us, right?" Jasmine checked as they moved towards the couches and chairs. Jasmine sitting in a chair and Luke directly across from her. " How do you guys feel? It was your guys first big performance!" Alex asked Cassian and Julie.

" I felt fine. I think performing in front of the school, definitely helped my nerves" Julie said with a shrug. " Oh I was definitely nervous. I had never played in front of anybody but my parents. Playing with Julie and Jasmine that first time, I tried to show I wasn't scared, but I was on the verge of tears I was so nervous" Jasmine laughed slightly at him.

" I think we did amazing. That Andi lady definitely wanted to sign us" Luke said as everybody agreed.

It had been a few hours and Julie was still talking with them. After what she saw with Jasmine and Luke dealing with their parents. She realized that she didn't know much about them. She's hoping to change that.

" Ok, so, any embarrassing boyfriends or girlfriends?" Julie asked. Everybody but Cassian and Julie looked over at Jasmine. Once Jasmine felt eyes on her. She groaned and laughed a little. " What?" Julie asked with a laugh.

" Um... Julie you don't know what you did" Alex said as he tried to stop laughing. But Julie was still confused. "Jasmine has had boyfriends... who definitely weren't the easy going types" Luke's elaborated a little more. "Or the brightest" Reggie added. " Hey!" Jasmine took a pillow and threw it at Reggie.

" Tell me the tea. I need to know" Julie said intrigued. " I'll admit I've had a type in the past" Jasmine started but stopped when she heard Luke snickering. " Yea, her type was something else. Tattoos, maybe a few piercing. Guys who were just weird, toxic even" Julie gasped as she looked at Jasmine.

" Are you telling the story, or am I?" Luke backed off. " As I was saying... I've definitely had some toxic types. But in my defense, I didn't know that at the time!" Jasmine said over everyone's laughing. " But they were really sweet guys when we first started dating. I think the first guy that I truthfully liked was a guy named, Nick. Obviously my parents didn't approve but I was an idiot back then" Jasmine started telling the story.

" Yea, I broke it off with him when my sister came and told me that he tried to flirt with her. I definitely wasn't up for that" Julie gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand. " Yea, Cassian, Julie you guys really should've seen it. She walks into school the next morning, finds Nick and... Bam! Dumps water all over him and gives him a good slap in the face" Reggie said as they laughed.

" Let's just say... no guy ever tried to mess with Natalie" Alex said through his laughs. " Ok, ok! Settle down. I have a story for you guys" Jasmine quieted the group down. " Another ex story?" Julie asked, Jasmine shook her head.

" Since everybody wants to joke on my ex's. I'm about to expose Luke" Jasmine turned to Luke while everybody else was laughing at his face. Alex and Reggie already knew who she was gonna talk about. " Don't you dare" Luke warned.

" Oh, I dare. Luke didn't date many girls in high school. Maybe three out of his years. But one in particular, definitely stood out. Her name was it was Emily something. But let me tell you, this girl was crazy" Luke covered his face with his hands to hide the embarrassment.

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