Stand Tall pt.2

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We were all in the garage coming up with a set list for tonight. " So, Julie, Jas, and I were thinking we'd start with "Stand Tall." What do you guys think?" Luke asked us excitedly. "Perfect" Alex replied. "That's good" Cassian and I said. "Sounds good" Reggie said. We all had the same sad tones in our voices.

"Sounds good? Guys, wake up! I wanna hear that it sounds awesome! I know this isn't how we wanted things to turn out, but we gotta be all in tonight. This is our second chance at playing the Orpheum! Not to mention, Cassian's first!" Luke tried to get us excited. But it was hard. I'm not only leaving Julie, I'm leaving my family behind. I know I said I was ok, that I made my peace, but it just feel so real right now.

"I... I get it, I get it, but it's hard. Do we even know what on the other side when we cross over? Do we all still get to hang together? You... You guys are the only family I have left" now it all made sense why Reggie was feeling the worst out of all of us. I moved to Reggie, looping my arm through his and giving him a hug.

He may be a little ditsy and confused sometimes, but he cares about us, he's just worried. "Well, it's good to know that you consider me family" Cassian said trying to lighten the mood, but you could tell he was also sad.

"Listen, reg. We don't know what's gonna happen either, but... it's not like we have a choice" I said as I pulled away from him. He didn't get the chance to answer as the jolts hit us again. "I'm pretty sure we do. And it rhymes with Hollywood Ghost Club" Reggie said through labored breaths. These jolts were really staring to get on my nerves.

We heard the door open and Julie stood there with a bright smile. "Are you ready?" Her smile dropped. "What's wrong?" She asked with a frown. "We just got rocked pretty hard by those jolt things" Alex explained as we walked closer. "I'm pretty sure I ghost peed a little" Cassian muttered honestly as I gave him a nasty look.

"But we're fine. Totally fine" I reassured her. "Actually, guys, I'm a little nervous" Julie admitted. "Oh, don't be. Cassian hasn't played either. You'll be fine, it's not like you guys will get sta-" Luke elbowed Reggie mumbling for him to be quiet. "Jasmine, uh, can I talk to you for a second?" Julie asked me. "Sure" I responded as I walked closer to her.

"What?" I asked with a slight chuckle. "Um... Can you do me a favor?" Julie asked nervously. "Are you kidding? Anything, Julie. You know that" I replied with a smile. "When you crossover, if... if you happen to see my mom, can you tell her I love her... and... thank her for bringing you to me?" She asked. "Yea, of course" I wish I could give Julie a hug in this moment. She's like a little sister who grew up on me and I didn't even see it.

"Band circle?" I asked, she nodded. "Guys, band circle" we all got in a circle and joined hands. Julie hovering her hands over Alex and Reggie's. "We don't know what brought us here, but... what we do know is, you're a star, Julie" she chuckled slightly as she looked at all of us. "And just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you from above... or..." Luke clicked his tongue looking down.

"Now, let's go rock this show. Give them a night they'll be talking about till the sun comes up" Cassian said, trying to hype us up. "Legends on three" I said as I held my hand out. "One" Luke and I said. " Two" Cassian and Reggie said next. "Three" Alex and Julie said. "Legends!" We threw our hands up in the air.

We heard the car horn honk. "That's my dad. He's driving me there, so I'll see you guys soon" Julie gave us one last goodbye before leaving. Then Carlos came in. "Have a good show, boy band" Carlos said as he clapped his hands.

" Who you calling boy band?" Luke said as he came to his height. "Yea. We're a gender neutral band" I said as everybody looked at me weirdly. "Oh, that's not what that was" I said awkwardly as Luke gave me a smile and walked over to me.

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