The Other Side Of Hollywood pt.2

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" Is everybody fired up for Julie and the Phantoms?" Flynn asked the crowd. They cheered as their response. " Good. Keep that fire. We're running a bit being schedule, but don't worry, just enjoy these mind-blowing beats" Flynn started the music up again and walked towards Julie.

" Julie and the Phantoms?" Julie asked. " I had some free time in French class. And you'd better like it because I registered it on Insta, Snapchat, Twitter... " Julie cut Flynn off. " No, I love it. But I'd love it more if the actual Phantoms were here" Flynn nodded and rushed off.

Julie turned around to see what she was looking at and saw Nick. " Nick! Look, Flynn! It's Nick!" Julie said with wide eyes. "Thanks for the introduction" he walked closer. "So you made it" Julie said surprised. " I wouldn't miss it. The truth is I can't wait to se you play again. Your song had been stuck in my head for weeks" Julie chuckled. " Well, someone should let it out" Julie realized what she said.

" I don't know what that meant, either" she looked down in embarrassment. " I like your shoes" Nick complimented. " Thanks. I just like to doodle on them sometimes" Julie looked up and made eye contact with him.

" I can't tell if the crowd is getting restless or bored. Never a good sign. Oh, hi, Julie. Get a new bag?" Carrie acted like she just now saw here. " Actually, it's my hologram projector. Just did a little upgrade" Carrie looked down at it.

" Oh, so simple. You know I was expecting something a little more... sophisticated" Carrie shaded. " It's what's on the inside that counts" Julie fired back. Carrie snickered. " Yea, that's what a lot of people have to tell themselves. Come on, Nick" Carrie walked away. Nick gave Julie one last look before following his girlfriend.

Julie sighed as she pulled out her phone. They were 15 minutes late. She was hoping that they would show late.


I was chilling with Cassian as the rest of the guys were talking to other people. " How are you liking it so far?" I asked him. " I don't know. I guess it's weird to be learning new things after only knowing something for so long. How about you? What you did up there was incredible!" He smiled. " Well, I didn't do it. It was Caleb. But I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty amazing!" I laughed. I looked over to see the boys back at the table, " come on, let's go" I grabbed his hand and led him back.

I plopped down in the seat to Luke and Cassian sat on my right. " I take it you guys are enjoying yourselves?" Caleb came back. " Yea. I mean, you'd have to be insane to have a bad time here" Luke responded. " Well, entertainment is our specialty. So now, I understand there's something I can help you with" I sighed in relief. Finally getting to what we need.

" Yea, we hope so. There an old buddy of ours who ripped us off big time, and we wanna make things right" Reggie explained. " We wanna look him in the eyes and make him admit what he did to us" Luke said.

" So if you could make us visible, that would be perfect" Alex added lastly. " Or teach us. You know, sharing gifts" I said. " Well, sure, I can do that, but we're at a party. Why focus on those who have wronged us when we're among friends? Now, I understand that the four of you are talented musicians. I doubt... your dream is to settle a score. No your dreams are bigger than that. You're like me, born to perform your music in front of sold-out crowds" Caleb snapped his fingers.

" Please sit" and we all did. " What if I were to tell you that with a wave of my hand, you could share the spotlight with me... and join my house band?" Caleb offered. " We... We already have a band" I said. " Yes. Yes. But when you're done performing, you disappear. You cease to exist. No bows. No... no soaking up the applause. No real connection with the audience. Yea? Here the audience knows what you are, and more importantly, they know how special you are" Caleb chuckled.

" Well, it could be cool to play here" Luke said. I looked at him wide eyed, was he serious? Is he actually considering ditching Julie? " Oh, it... it's not just here. We party like this all over the world. Tonight, Hollywood. Tomorrow, Paris" Caleb tried to rope us in. " Oh la la" Reggie said.

" It is... all your dreams come true... forever" he looked around the table. " I'm gonna give you some time to think about it. Oh, by the way, make sure you try the sliders. They're to die for" Caleb encouraged. Just add it to the list of things he can offer us.

" W-W-We can eat?" Reggie stuttered. " Here you can" Caleb snapped his fingers and food appeared. Ok, that's it, I don't by this for a second. The offer is to good to be true.

" Guys, we should go. This is a little weird" I said but they weren't listening as they ate. "Luke, come on! We gotta get to the school!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm and shook it.

" Jasmine, back off! Just go dance or something!" He shoved me away and went back to eating. I sighed as I stood up and made my way through the crowd. " Jasmine! Jasmine!" I heard my name being called so I turned around. " Cassian? I thought you were eating?" I said as I still walked toward the front. " I was but I saw what happened. And, I don't want to be left alone here" I nodded as I dragged him along. Right while we were on the steps, Caleb appeared.

" Jasmine! Cassian! Off so soon?" He asked. I nodded. " Yea, we gotta go. I'm sorry" I apologized but he waved me off. " None sense. Come back whenever you feel like it" he held out his hand. Cassian and I shook his hand, when we pulled back a purple stamp was shining on my skin. " Oh, don't worry about. Just a little stamp" I nodded as I grabbed Cassian and poofed away.

Julie was sitting in the ground when we found her. " Julie! I'm so so so sorry! I got caught up and I'm here now. Am I too late?" I rushed out. Julie sat up quickly and smiled. " It's only 10:30. It's ok. Who's this?" She asked.

" No it's not ok, you said 9:00 and we- wait. You can see him?" I asked her. " Yea, he's a ghost, right?" She looked his way. " Uh, I'm Cassian. A friend of Jasmine's" Cas introduced himself.

" Will the guys be here?" She asked, but I couldn't give her an honest answer. " I don't know. But if you wanna wait for them, we can" Julie sighed as she looked around the room.

Then, before she could answer, Flynn came in. " I can only stall them for so long. Julie, you need to make a choice" Julie looked over at me. " I don't know" Flynn sighed. " Give me a minute" I said as I poofed into the garage, grabbed my notebook and came back.

" You'll perform. It's a song I wrote. Tell Flynn to give you 30 minutes to learn the melody. So the hologram is acting up" I told Julie what to do. And she did.

" The song is call Replay. I can play the guitar while you sing on the piano" but Julie shook her head. " I can't take your song" she tried to shove the book back in my hands. " No. Think of it as an apology. The melody isn't hard to learn and neither is the lyrics" she reluctantly took it.

" But with only two people?" Julie asked. " No, not two. You guys got me" I turned to Cassian surprised. " You can play? You never told me that" he shrugged his shoulders. " You never asked. Julie can sing while I play the piano and you play the guitar" Julie looked between the two of us and agreed.

" Ok, Cassian, go learn the melody and I'll wait here and warm up" they walked off into the corner. I sighed and rubbed my hands on my jeans. I hope the guys pull through.

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