The Other Side Of Hollywood pt.1

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" I don't know about this" Cassian said nervously as he looked around. " Well if you can get scared, you... you can hide behind me. I'll be behind Alex" Reggie said as he moved behind Alex. " Yea, I'll be behind Luke" Alex moved behind Luke as Jasmine laughed.

" You guys need to chill, ok? We're gonna get back at Bobby. Meet a few people, have fun" Jasmine said as she smiled as she watched the people dance. " He needs to pay for what he did to us" Luke agreed.

" I'm still gonna hide behind them" Reggie whispered and then Willie appeared. " We're all good" Alex turned to Willie. " Oh, uh, cool. Hey, just to let you know, we have, like, an hour, because we got a gig with Julie" Alex reminded him.

" No worries. Let's go" Willie escorted them downstairs. Luke walked slowly on purpose just so he could walk right beside Jasmine and Cassian. Luke reached over subtly and grabbed her hand, tugging her closer his way. He was still angry at Bobby but was also nervous to be in a place like this.

Jasmine, of course knew this and squeezed his hand to let him know he was ok. " Normally, I'd have my deck, and I'd backboard this heavy 20 set, but tonight... we have company" Willie said as he walked down the stairs.

" Fancy on occasion? Nice" Jasmine mumbled. Willie slid down the railing and held out his hand to gesture them to the tables. " Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?" Alex felt a little anxious because of how everyone was dressed.

" I think we're a little overdressed" Jasmine tried to put some confidence back in the guys. A couple passed through Willie and Alex as they took a moment to still look around. " I thought everybody in here was going to be ghosts" Cassian said a little confused.

" These are all lifers" Willie informed. " Oh, uh, lifers are actually..." Reggie cut Alex off. "Alive people. I was listening" Reggie said proudly. "But this is a very exclusive crowd. Everybody here has, uh, paid a lot to get a sneak peek at the afterlife" Jasmine furrowed here brows. What did they pay?

" I always knew rich people did weird stuff like this" Reggie said as Luke nodded his head in agreement. " Lady and gentlemen, I have a table for you" a man came out of nowhere. The waiter walked ahead and Willie followed, causing everybody else to follow.

As Jasmine sat down she realized that she and Luke were still holding hands. She coughed awkwardly as pulled her hand away from his so she could pull out a chair. Luke noticed the warmth missing from his hand gone, he looked up and saw Jasmine looking anywhere but him.

" Ok. So who's gonna make us visible so we can confront our old bandmate?" Luke asked as he tried not to think about why Jasmine would pull away from him. " Oh no, no. None of these lifers have the power to do that" Willie told him. Then the lights dimmed and music started to play. " Oh, but here comes the ghost who does."

" Ladies and gentlemen, back from the dead by popular demand, please welcome Caleb Covington!" The announcer introduced the man.

Willie and the rest of the crowd cheered loudly as Caleb appeared floating in air. " Did you miss me?" Caleb said enthusiastically. The crowd cheered and clapped. " I did too! Welcome... to the party of your dreams! From the Egyptians to the Druids, to the person sitting next to you, we've all wondered, where we go after that final light is snuffed out? Allow me to show you" Caleb reeled everybody in with the alluring question.

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