That's A Crappy Apology

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I walked into the garage after hanging out with Cassian for a while. I was gonna talk to Julie, make sure she's ok, but she was still at Flynn's house.

Once I walked in, Luke, Reggie, and Alex were standing in the middle of the room. I waited for them to sing their crappy apology song. "Really? That's the best you got? We've been friends for years and not once have you ever bailed on me. I think I deserve a better apology than that" I snapped at them as I crossed my arms.

" We're sorry" Alex said first. " Yea, we didn't mean it. We really just got caught up. Caleb just really reeled us in" Reggie apologized next. I looked expectantly over at Luke next. " I'm sorry!" Is that what you wanted to hear!" I scoffed and rolled my eyes as Alex hit Luke in the shoulder.

" No. What I want is a sincere apology. Not one that's half-assed by a boy who doesn't even care that he bailed on his friends!" I said before I poofed out.


When Jasmine left, Alex and Reggie groaned. "Dude, what was that?" Alex turned to Luke. "I said sorry!" Luke said as if he hadn't done anything wrong. And in his mind he knows he did, but he didn't expect Jasmine to make a big deal out of it.

" You should know that was a terrible apology. If that was us bailing on you, you would be mad to" Reggie agreed with Alex. " You know who you sound like? Bobby" Luke's head turned to Reggie. " Don't compare me to, Bobby" Luke warned.

" Why not? After we died, Bobby basically bailed on us and stole your songs. He hasn't even admitted the truth yet. You are like your own mini version of Bobby" Reggie still kept going as he jabbed Luke in the chest each time.

" Just... just go apologize to her. And actually mean it. Don't be an ass" Alex said as he shoved Luke forward. Luke sighed as he poofed out to go find Jasmine.

He went to the first place she might've been, at the Orpheum, but she wasn't there. Luke sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Ever since they became ghosts, Luke and Jasmine would come up here to talk. He double checked to make sure she wasn't there before poofing away.

He checked what feels like everywhere. The beach, the library, hell even her old tree house in her parents backyard. But then he realized that he hadn't checked her parents house.

He sighed as he saw that she sat on her bed with her knees pulled to her chest. " Thought I might find you here" he said as he sat down across from her. " What? Here to tell me a crappy apology again?" He nodded his head. " I deserve that" she scoffed. " You deserve a lot more than that" she sniffled.

" Jasmine, you are my best friend. I didn't mean to bail on you and Julie. I was a terrible band mate and even a worse friend. Can you forgive me?" He asked as he took her hand in his own. Jasmine sighed, could she really forgive him?

" I don't know" Jasmine said honestly as she pulled her hand back from him. " We've been friends for years, and you guys have never bailed on me like that. It hurts that it felt like Julie and I weren't important enough" Luke sighed as he wiped a tear away from her cheek.

" Jasmine, you are important enough. You're probably one of the most important people in my life" Luke said as he took her hand again. "Well I would like to hope so. You're dead, there's only so many people who can see you" Jasmine laughed as did Luke.

" I'm really sorry. I'm also sorry for pushing you away at Caleb's club. I had no excuse to do what I did. I'm really sorry" Luke said sincerely. Jasmine thought about it for a moment. She saw the look of sincerity in his eyes and decided.

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