Wake up pt.3

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Julie was talking to her dad about the music program, but then heard the ghosts playing in the garage. She excused herself and walked in to see Alex on the drums. Reggie, Luke, and Jasmine on the guitar.

" Guys! Guys! Stop! Cut it out!" She yelled over them. " The whole neighborhood can hear you. I thought I told you to leave?" She she shouted at them. " Wait. People can hear us play?" Jasmine asked surprised. " Yes! And so did my dad and brother!" She shouted, but not loud enough for anybody to get suspicious.

" W- W- Wait. Wait. So only you can see us, but everyone can hear us?" Alex asked next. " I mean what kind of ghosts are we?" He asked confused. " Who cares, man? People can hear us play!" Luke said excitedly, giving everybody a fist bump. " We might be dead, but our music isn't" Reggie gave Jasmine a high five. Then Julies dad came in.

" Hey. Just making sure you're ok" he looked over at the set up. " Yea, I'm fine. I just had to turn off the CD player" Julie tried distracting her dad. " Wait. Is this the junk that was in the loft?" He asked, surprised at how nice it was. "Junk?" Jasmine and Luke said in unison. The ghosts watched as her dad played with Alex's drum set.

" Some of this stuff's in pretty good shape. Hey, maybe we can make a couple bucks" he suggested happily. " What? Yo, stop touching my drums. Tell him to stop touching my drums" Alex and the rest of t he band pointed to Julie. " I like that song you had on" her dad came to face her.

" Sweet! We're Sunset Curve" Luke probably liked him a lot better now. " Tell your friends" Reggie added, again. " It's just an old CD I found" Julie tried to dismiss it. " Well, it's nice that you're listening to music again. Out here you can play whatever you want, whenever you want" Jasmine tried her hardest not to laugh as Julies's dad swung his arms in Luke and Reggie.

" Oh! That's nice!" Reggie said happily. " Stay our of this" Julie forgot she's the only one who can see the ghosts, again. " I'm sorry, honey. I didn't..." Julie had realized what she said. " Oh no, no, no, no. Not you. I mean... Uh... Er. You know give me a minute" Julie dragged her dad to the door.

" He likes our song" Luke was happy. " Oh, well, he doesn't count. He's a dad" Alex dismissed it. " Why can't you guys just be normal ghosts?" Julie asked them. " Hang out at an old mansion. I hear Pasadena's nice" Julie have a suggestion and left. Jasmine following after her

" Stop that. I'm serious" she had a firm tone. "I'm sorry" Jasmine apologized. " What do you want?" She crosses her arms over her chest. " I know this is all completely insane, but do you know how rad this is? People... Actual people can hear us play" Jasmine tried to get Julie to see a good side to this. " Yea, it's just I've had a really, really awful day. I gotta go" Julie tried to walk past but Jasmine stopped her.

" Well, I'm sorry you had a bad day, but 3 guys and a girl just found out they've been dead for 25 years, and then they found out that the only thing they live for in the first place they can still do. That's pretty rad" Jasmine had a small smile on her face as she explained. " You're right. It's just.." Julie struggled for come up with the words. " Your bad day" she finished for her.

" Look, I'm sorry we came into your life, but... what I just felt in there made me feel alive again. Maybe even the guys. You can kick us out, but music is our passion, we won't give it up. We can play again. That's a gift no musician would ever turn down!" Jasmine stressed to her. " You gotta know that. Your mom was clearly into music" she sighed.

" Was. She passed away" that made Jasmine feel some type of way. But it also made her wonder what happened to her parents. " I am so sorry" she said quietly. " Yea, we didn't know" Alex, Reggie, and Luke were right there.

" It's all right. You guys haven't seen her anywhere, have you?" Julie asked hopeful. " No. No you're kinda the first person we've seen" Luke stuffed his hands in his pockets, not knowing what to do with them. " Yea, but she's not dead so that doesn't really answer her question" Reggie spoke up. " Yea. I think she know what we mean. I'm sorry for your loss" Alex apologized.

" Thanks. Sorry I got mad. You guys are kinda good" Julie gave them somewhat of a compliment. " Kinda? You know that like 25 years of rust getting dusted off" Jasmine used her fingers as a demonstration. " Yea, do you play the piano too?" Luke asked. " No, I don't play. That's my mom's stuff in there" Julie pointed toward the door.

" No way. She is an amazing songwriter" Jasmine always gave props where it was due. And Julie's mom deserved a lot of it. " She was. Wait. How would you know?" Julie asked curiously. " There was a song on the piano, I think it's hers. Your mom was really talented" Julie didn't respond and was going to walk off again.

Julie then realized that the ghosts weren't as bad or as scary as she thought. So she let them stay, for now at least. Reggie was probably super excited out of all of them because of baths. But the ghosts don't really know if they could shower. It wasn't gonna hurt to try.

The boys were smiling and laughing. While Jasmine looked back at Julies house. She felt really bad for her. But it made her really miss her mom, even after all the terrible things that happened between them.


The boys and I popped right on top of the roof of the Orpheum. We watched as people walked by. I was sitting between Luke and Alex. " Hey, I know being dead isn't our first choice, I mean it sure is easy getting around" Luke patted Reggie and I's knee. " Easy for you maybe. I lost my shirt on that one" Reggie showed us his chest while I just looked away. " Dude, you really need to get that under control. I don't want to be seeing something I don't want to see" I warned. I was just joking. Hell, I've seen all the boys shirtless, especially when we used to go swimming together.

" Ok, so. Why are we here. Just another reminder that we never got to play. Thanks, Luke" Alex said sarcastically. " I mean boys-" I cleared my throat, " and girl" Luke added. "The game isn't over yet. I'm telling you, we've been given a second chance. Let's find some music. Let's see how many clubs we can hit before sunrise" Luke suggested as we were now on the ground.

The boys were walking ahead but I stopped once I realized Alex wasn't right behind us. "Alex, c'mon!" Called him over. " There was a guy that literally just bumped into me" he whispered as he caught up to me. " Who?" I looked behind us. " The guy in like a black cape and top hat" he described. I didn't see anything.

" What're you guys talking about?" Luke yelled. " Nothing!" I responded. " Lets go have some fun. I need to stretch my legs" I pushed my way in front of the boys.

" Look out, look inside of you. When you feel lost, relight that spark time to come out of the dark. Wake up. Mm-mm wake up" is the last bit we heard Julie sing on the piano. And I was shocked, and surprised. Julie's range is incredible. We watched Julie have her moment, but we didn't know what to do.


The first episode is done!!! Oh I'm so excited to write this, and Jasmine's story. Along the relationship between her and Luke. Anyway, vote and comment. Also I really hope you enjoy it.

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