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Emily had just broken up with Luke. Jasmine tried to refrain from laughing the whole car ride back to the studio. But Reggie and Alex kept joking and she just laughed so hard that tears streamed down her face.

Alex dropped off Jasmine and Luke at the studio. Seeing as Luke ran away and Jasmine didn't plan on going home that night. What also helped her decide to stay in the studio was because Luke asked her to and also said that they needed to talk.

It was about 2 hours in and they hadn't said much to each other. Containers of leftovers and water bottles laid around as Jasmine and Luke did their own thing. Jasmine sitting on the desk, swinging her legs back forth as she was writing and re-writing lyrics. And Luke was working on the song for his mom.

" Hey, Luke. Can you come here for a second? I wanna run this by you" Jasmine said. Luke agreed and the way the desk was set up, he came up behind her. " So, I was thinking, for this we could add it to the pre-" Jasmine turned to look at him and realized just how close they were.

Luke stood over her, practically leaning his head on her shoulder as he stared into her eyes. Jasmine cleared her throat and turned around so she could see him fully. Luke took a step back so she'd have enough space. "What we're you saying?" Luke tried to get them back on track.

" I was saying that for this part, we could add this to the pre-chorus instead of the bridge. It would give us a better sound" Jasmine showed where she would change the lyrics. " Yea, that would be rad! We-" Luke cut him self off as he realized his fingers touched Jasmine's. They pulled away at the same time, looking anywhere but each other.

" Why'd you kiss me?" Jasmine blurted out. She realized that they would have to talk about it sooner, so why not now? This would be the best time to. Just them alone... alone. By themselves, while their emotions and hormones are acting up.

" Honestly? I just didn't want to deal with Emily. She'd always been jealous of how close we were and she suspected that we had a secret relationship behind her back" Luke admitted while Jasmine had a smile on her face. " Wow, Luke. You sure do know how to pick 'em" Jasmine teased. " I mean, you guys weren't even together for a month! And she was like that? I must be hella beautiful then" Jasmine said as she dusted off her shoulders, hyping herself up.

Luke bit his lip to hold back his smile. "Oh, for sure! Have you seen yourself? You're gorgeous!" Luke complimented her, making Jasmine blush. Luke almost didn't catch it but the soft glow coming from the desk lamp helped his see it.

It got quiet. Luke staring into Jasmine's eyes as he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Jasmine stared into Luke's eyes and noticed a change in the atmosphere. Luke wanted to see if she felt the same way he was right now, and laid his hands on her bare upper thighs.

" I really am sorry about kissing you without warning" Luke whispered as he slowly inched closer. " Oh, um... it's fine. Totally fine. I didn't even think ab-" Jasmine's ramble was cut off when Luke's lips found their way to hers. Jasmine kissed him back but they pulled away.

" What was the reason for that one?" Jasmine asked. A small smile appeared on his face. "I just wanted to see what it would feel like to kiss you" Luke said honestly. " And what did it feel like?" Luke smiled at her nervousness. "You tell me" he leaned in for another kiss.

Neither pulled away quickly this time. Jasmine's hands set the book on the desk as her hands found their way into his shaggy hair. Luke and Jasmine both feeling the excitement building up, they became more bold with each other.

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