Rewrite The Stars

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It's Friday afternoon and Jasmine was bored. Julie wasn't coming home after school because she was gonna hang out with Flynn. On the bright side, her dad and brother wouldn't be home for hours.

" Reggie! I swear if you don't stop talking about Julie's dad, I will kill you all over again!" Jasmine shouted from upstairs. She was trying to make a few tweaks on the song she told Luke about the other day.

" I'm sorry. He's just a really great guy" then she heard Luke's voice. " Hey, Jas! Reggie and I are heading out" Alex said, once she didn't hear them anymore, she assumed they poofed out.

" Rewrite The Stars? Is that song?" She leaned back in the chair to put her head on Luke's stomach. " You are correct. I think it's good but it still feels like I'm missing something" she tapped the pen on her chin.

" Luke! Give it back!" Jasmine yelled once Luke grabbed her notebook. " It's good, you don't need to tweak it!" He called from downstairs, Jasmine poofing in front of him.

" Luke, give it back" she demanded. But obviously he didn't listen. " I'm just reading" he flipped through the pages. He was actually really shocked at how much music she had written. " Are all these new?" Luke asked curiously.

" Some are, yes. Now give it back" she pleaded. " What's 'Neverland'?" That caused Jasmine to freeze. He started reading off lyrics but she snatched it. " You don't ever touch that page. Understand?" He nodded his head. " I'm not playing, Luke. Don't touch this page" she demanded. Luke had never heard such venom in her tone. Whatever the song was about, it must've been really important.

The truth is, it was a song for her sister and parents. When Jasmine was growing up, all she and her sister talked about was going on an adventure and seeing a place like Neverland. Jasmine remembered how her parents would laugh at them but would promise to go there someday. When things with her parents started getting really bad, she started writing it. Trying to prove to her parents that her dreams were worth chasing, and she wanted her family to be there if they gave her a chance.

Nobody has ever seen Jasmine write it. Now, nobody except for Luke. " I'm sorry. I was just glad that you were writing again" Luke apologized. Jasmine cleared her throat, trying to change the subject.

" Um, do you wanna work on that song? You said that it doesn't need to be tweaked, so why not play it?" She suggested, making Luke smile all over again.

She grabbed her book and placed it on the piano. It didn't really fit well with drums and rock. She wrote it to be played on piano, or even acoustic.

" Do I start?" He asked, while she nodded in response. She pressed a few keys to start the song.

"You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me
So don't keep saying our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
Fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?"

Luke looked towards Jasmine who encouraged him to keep going.

"What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours

Luke looked towards Jasmine. He saw how she played effortlessly, and how she made the piano look so easy to play.

"You think it's easy
You think I don't want to run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
I know you're wondering why
Because we're able to be
Just you and me
Within these walls
But when we go outside
You're going to wake up and see that it was hopeless after all"

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