Edge of Great pt.3

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I was looking through the clothes trying to find something new. My eyes stopped on a pair of light blue distressed jeans. I loved them, now I just needed to find a top that goes with it. After a few minutes of looking, I found this cute white cropped hoodie. I was definitely taking that. Right when I was getting ready to leave, I stopped as I seen a black beanie. I instantly thought of Luke. I smiled slightly as I grabbed it and poofed back.

" Girls, am I right?" I heard Reggie ask. I took this as my cue to walk in. " No" Alex and I said at the same time. The guys startled by my presence. " Well, it never hurts to try" I said as I laid the clothes on the couch. I tossed the beanie to Luke.

" What'd I miss?" I asked as I flopped on the couch. "Just that Luke apparently had chemistry with everybody" Cas said from his spot on the piano. " It's true!" Reggie exclaimed. " Yea, he definitely does" I agreed. I could feel Luke's eyes burning into my head, but I don't look.

" You think so too?" Alex asked as I nodded. "Didn't you see Reggies face? That definitely had to have some passion behind it" I teased. I walked over and picked up my guitar. "So, um... what'd you get?" Luke asked from beside me. " Just some jeans and a hoodie. It'll look good when we perform tonight" I said as I gave him a quick smile. I turned to Alex who was already staring at me with a knowing smirk.

" Shut up" I mouthed to him as he laughed loudly. " What's funny?" Luke asked while Alex tried to cover it. " Nothing" Alex waved him off. "Ok, Alex, count us in" I changed the subject.


Jasmine was fully dressed as she walked around. " Jas! You look amazing!" She turned to her head to see Julie. " Me? Girl, I look like a dirty shoe compared to you. Look at you, with all your butterflies. Are those to represent something for a special someone?" Jasmine teased Julie.

" No. I just think they went with my outfit. But, how are you? Did you guys rehearse?" Julie asked. " I'm doing good. Always excited to perform. And yes we rehearsed. Also, quick note, Cassian will appear beside you as we come in. And will probably disappear as you come back and sit" Jasmine said quickly. She felt bad but she hadn't seen Julie all day.

" Yea, it's ok. I also have some changed I want to run by you. So some of the parts that I sing, you and I will switch or sing together" Julie handed Jasmine the paper with her changes on it. " Do you need time to learn it? 'Cause I can always stall" Julie asked but Jasmine shook her head no. " I've got it, Julie. You should make sure everything is in place. I'll see you later" Julie waved by and left.

Flynn just announced the band, Julie came out on the piano, starting the melody.

"Running from the past
Tripping on the now
What is lost can be found, it's obvious
And like a rubber ball
We come bouncing back
We all got a second act, inside of us"

The projector turned on and the band kicked in. Cassian taking over Julie's spot on the piano.

"I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own"

Jasmine played with Alex, Julie, and Reggie. Even Cassian, ignoring Luke. A hurt and confused look slowly took over his features.

"'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great)
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great"

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