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Luke continued to stare at Jasmine's song writing book. But to make sure he wasn't getting yelled at, he watched her play a few cords here and there with Julie. Obviously he knew that he wasn't supposed to touch it, but he had always been the curious type.

" Hey, Luke. Tell us what you think" Julie snapped him out of his thoughts. "I'm on the edge of great.... Great" Jasmine sung while playing a few cords.

" Sounds good. We can add a few more lines to the chorus" he suggested. " Hey, Julie, what time is it?" Jasmine asked curiously. " Um, 12:30, why?" Julie pulled out her phone. Jasmine widened her eyes in realization and poofed out.

" Where did she go?" Before Luke could answer Reggie and Alex appeared. " Are we too late?" Alex asked, leaving Julie even more confused. "Late for what?" Julie yelled. The boys looked amongst each other, trying to decide if they should tell her.

" We'll show you" Julie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but nonetheless she followed them.

Jasmine appeared into her room. Nothing had changed. Nothing. Not since the last time she was in here. Clothes from back then were still on the floor, pictures and posters were hung around her wall. It was almost like they hadn't touched her room since she died. She walked into the living room and right by the kitchen. Tears were already forming in Jasmine's eyes as she stared at her family.

" Natalie? Her sister?" Julie asked as they watched from afar. " Yea, she doesn't really like to talk about it. Not even when she was alive" Reggie explained. " Jasmine never had many regrets in her life, but this is one. She never got the chance to let her parents know that becoming a musician was her dream. All Jas ever wanted was her family's support." Alex added.

" They're having cake, is it Jasmine's birthday?" Julie watched as Jasmine sat on the countertop as she watched her parents and sister laugh.

" It's Natalie's. Jasmine always gave her a big gift in her birthday. Natalie meant everything to her" Luke felt bad for not letting Jasmine tell Julie, but maybe if Julie understood a little more about them then they could all be close.

To say it was hard to see her family all at once, was definitely an understatement. So many bad and good memories clashed in her mind as she watched them talk. What hurt her the most was that she was going to be an aunt. Jasmine always imagined being the cool aunt. Teaching her little niece or nephew a trick or two to get something over on her sister, maybe even teach them to play guitar.

" Happy birthday, Nat. You know she's here with us, with you" her parents said to their daughter as they laid out a cake. " She always is" Natalie had a sad smile as she wiped a tear from her eyes.

" Isn't there something we could do? You know, help?" Julie asked, she never thought that Jasmine was hurting like she saw in front of her. " What do you want to do? Knock on the door and tell them that their daughter who's been dead for 25 years, is suddenly standing in the kitchen?" Alex sarcastically asked her.

The guys looked over at Luke to see him poof out, then come back with a book in hand. "It's Jasmine's. I think she wrote a song in here about her family. Go knock on the door and give it to them" Luke handed Julie the book.

" I don't know, it feels wrong" after hearing Alex, Julie was definitely having second thoughts. " I know her, she'll feel so much better that it's off her chest" Luke continued to push.

Jasmine looked up to see the guys and Julie walking in the yard. Julie with a piece of paper in hand. Once her parents heard a knock at the door, they opened it to see Julie. " Can we help you?" They asked politely.

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