Chapter 8: And that is your humanity

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At the match.

We all sat in the girl's changing room getting ready for the match.

"Aren't you gonna change? " Lizzie asked.

"I told you Lizzie, I'm not cheering"

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms "and why is that?"

"It's not me anymore, I don't wanna do something that I'm not interested in"

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just...I loved cheerleading back then but now, it's like I'm not even familiar to it." I looked at lizzie sadly

"Hey, it's okay people lose interest. It's okay" She hugged me tightly.

We hugged for a while, it was good to know that I could still talk to Lizzie. We might have not always been on good terms but we were always there for eachother.

"Hey, ready?" Hope asked standing at the door.

"We're coming" I said breaking the hug and heading outside.

The coach started talking about the match, giving his ultimate speech and also mentioning Jade that she joined the team. I glanced at her with a smile. We all clapped as I turned my head Jade was gone from her position, I looked around but couldn't see her anywhere. Until I heard some noise as if someone was fighting. We ran to see who is was. It was Rafael....with some other kid.

I saw Lizzie yelling at Rafael to let the kid go. The kid was all covered up in blood on his face, when he suddenly threw Rafael off him. He grabbed a bottle and smashed it against the wall. I couldn't move with all the people shouting I wanted to stop the kid, he could really injure Rafael and Lizzie was there aswell which made me want to stop it even more.

I made my way there until Jade came out from the crowd and getting involved, she caught the kids hand and told him to drop the bottle. The kid must've been drunk. He pushed Jade away ready to swing his hand at Rafael until Jade pushed him which made him fall on the floor and drop the bottle. He quickly stood up grabbed the bottle and swinged his hand at Jade who blocked it with only one hand.

"Jade!" I yelled as I ran to her.

She turned around to face me "I'm okay"

"What? No you're bleeding I saw him hit you!"

"No no, look he missed" she showed me her hand

What? How is that possible I saw her blocking it with her hand there's no way he missed her!

I looked at her in a shock touching her hand to make sure she wasn't bleeding.

The coach ran to us taking the kid away. Raf was on the floor bleeding from his nose, Lizzie holding him helping him to stand up.

I walked towards Lizzie asking her if she's alright. She nodded.

"Thank you!" Lizzie said looking at Jade.

Jade just nodded at her.

"I'm gonna stay with Lizzie until the match starts." I looked at Jade.

"Sure" she smiled.

"Are you sure you're not hurt?" I asked again.

"I'm fine"

I nodded and walked away with Lizzie and Raf.

Jades POV:

I was lucky my palm healed in time before Josie ran to me checking if I'm okay.

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