Chapter 27: I don't hurt people.

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Josie's POV:

We were getting ready for the contest at the Mayor's house since it was happening there.

"Mum would've been so proud of you girls" dad said as he walked next to us.

Lizzie and I both smiled "I miss her." I soflty said.

"I miss her too." Dad said in a sad tone.

Lizzie was being Lizzie, she was trying to keep herself busy so that she doesn't have to....feel? I guess.

"Okay, I should get going" he smiled and left.

"Lizzie, it's okay to talk about it"

She stopped doing her hair and looked at me "I know, it's just, that everytime we bring up mom. It's hard, I wish she was here Jo." She said as tears fell down her face.

"Lizzie." I said grabbing her tightly for a hug.

"I hope wherever she is, she's happy" Lizzie sobbed as she held me tightly.

Tears started to roll down my face "I do too"

We stayed like this for couple of minutes.

"Okay. We should get dressed." Lizzie said as she wiped her tears and stood up.

"Yeah" I soflty whispered and we went to the changing room.

We walked in the room, to find a girl walking around.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, it's just, uh, I hate being the centre of attention. I get panic attacks." She said

"Do you want some..privacy? We can wait outside." Lizzie smiled

"No, um, I'm actually going to get some f-fresh air." She said stressfully as she walked out of the room.

We both looked at eachother.

"What was that all about?" Lizzie said as she walked to the closet.

"Was that, Olivia?" I asked

"Yeah, she must be having a hard day." Lizzie smiled.

I walked to the mirror grabbing my dress from it, I quickly jumped when I saw Penelope standing behind me through the mirror.

"Hey, you can't be back here." I gasped

"Oh god! Don't tell me you're participating." Lizzie complained.

Penelope ignored her and look at me "we need to talk."

"Does it have to be right now?" I shrugged

"Normally I would have a completely different outlook on what I'm about to tell you, but since it could really inconvenience me, I'll squeal." She smirked as she walked up to me.

I chuckled "what are you talking about?"

"Jade is still drinking human blood." I sighed.

I looked at her seriously, Lizzie looked at us all confused.

"What?" I asked

"Yeah. A month ago, I would have rejoiced. But with the council back in the alert, it is not a good time for Jade to fly off the handle."

"I know she's been a little edgy, but she said that was normal."

"She has a fridge full of stolen blood bank contraband in the house."

"Oh my god!" I said as sat on the couch.

"She has no idea what normal is. Her entire existence isn't normal. Normal to a vampire is drinking human blood. But she spent all this time fighting it when she should have been learning how to control it. And now it's controlling her instead."

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