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The vast expanse of space.... it was dark... very dark... the only source of light of course, were the stars.. the planet below.. and the massive warship that was approaching the planet with all due course.

Vilgax was not a negotiator.. he was not the type to come to an 'understanding'. No.. conquest was his domain.. conquest was his life... and he, Vilgax, conquerer of ten worlds, was not one who took defeat lightly. That boy... he was back to deal his vengeance upon that boy... that wretched wretched boy.

Vilgax could see his obsession playing over and over again in his head, like a constant mantra.. a mantra that felt like a spell of terrible power.

I must have the Omnitrix

I must have the Omnitrix

I must have the Omnitrix

I must have the Omnitrix...

It was like it was consuming his very soul, that desire.. that utter desire to retrieve what he felt was rightfully his.

Vilgax sat upon the throne within the main central hub of his ship.. he had the appearence of a massive alien with armor and extremely powerful bulging muscles. his body also appeared to be rigged with cybernetic enhancements fused with his very body. Large piston like augmentations stuck out of points in his muscular arms.. his head had the appearence of an octopus.. a cybernetic breathing mask covered his mouth.. supplying more enhancements into his body.



Species: Chimera Sui Genaris

Planet: Vilgaxia (formerly known as Murray)

Powers: Bears cybernetically enhanced strength and agility. His immense ability and strength grants him extroardinary combat power that rivals even the most powerful alien warrior.

Important Facts: Is known as the most dangerous being in the Universe. He is so despised, that he must work with robotic drones in order for any to be under his employ. However, he has been known to hire mercenaries such as Sixsix for the right price. He despises Aleister Crowley almost as much as he does Ben Tennyson.. though he has been known to work with him when offered the right deal.


"Psyphon... what are our conditions?" Vilgax said in his monstrous voice.

Psyphon.. Vilgax's right hand servant.. a strange skeletal looking alien with black robes and a fin on his head.. bowed before Vilgax. "Master.. it is well in hand.. we have found Ben Tennyson.. he dwells below on the planet's surface.. however there is a problem.

"Yes?" said Vilgax.

"He has entered Aleister's territory Master." said Psyphon.

"Aleister Crowley.." Vilgax growled scathingly. "That bastard puppeteer.. of course, his interest in the Omnitrix would be beyond measure. That magician and his strange ways.

"Should we call it off then Master?" said Psyphon.

"I do not fear that despicable being." Vilgax growled. "In any case, I've been meaning to have words with him ever since that incident 10 years ago.."

"It was an awfully long time master." said Psyphon. "Doe it really warrant this much hate? Could we not find some other way to infiltrate Academy City?"

"Infiltration of such a city is near impossible." said Vilgax. "Despite their rather terrible lack of technology that even exceeds Level 4, their security is flawless. And I do not feel like fighting every puny esper I come across."

"Humans.. thinking they can exceed the inferiority of their evolutionary path with their minds." said Psyphon. "Those espers are bugs master."

"Yes.. but those few Level 5s are irritating at best." said Vilgax. "No.. I will take a direct approach to Tennyson.. set the ship in orbit.. I am going in.. "


Private Jet. Somewhere near Japan.

Helen felt like a captive. Funnily enough.. her capturers treated her more like a guest then a hostage or anything. They treated her well.. gave pleasent food.. even gave her foot massages.. though the foot massages didn't work since her feet were clawed toes wrapped over friction control spheres..

Helen sat in the private jet on the finely cushioned seat.. her tail twitching nervously as the strange woman sat opposite of her.. Laura Stuart, with her long hair.. and rather sly demeanor.

"You never told me.." Helen said. "Why you needed Ben.."

Laura just smiled. "My dear Helen, don't be so nervous. Ben Tennyson isn't in any real danger from us."

Helen gulped. The priest sitting next to her, Stiyl Magnus, was making her feel rather nervous.. in one quick swift movement, invisible to the human eye, Helen snatched the cigarette lighter Stiyl had, which he was going to use to light the cigar in his mouth.

Stiyl blinked for minute, surprised that his lighter had dissapeared, and nobody could blame him considering Helen's speed. He sighed. "Helen, Give that back."

"No smoking on aircraft." Helen said stiffly. "I am not going to become a victim of second hand smoke."

"Fine." said Stiyl with a shrug. He took out a pack of matches. Helen snatched that away too. "No way in hell!! You aren't doing that!!"

Stiyl sighed again and reached back into his robes.. only to find that his copious amount of matches were gone.. and that Helen was holding the packets of matches.

"Damn you're fast."

"Comes with the DNA." said Helen. "So.. if I do what you guys say.. you'll let me off in Academy City?"

"Yes." said Laura. "We'll drop you off at the airport no problem. And don't worry yourself.. as we have already told you this past week, aliens are no longer that much of a secret in Academy City.. as everyone now knows about your brother, naturally they all know about you. so you won't need your usual.. disguise."

"Easy for you to say." said Helen. "You don't have a tail."

"I was under the impression you were rather proud of that tail." said Stiyl.

"I am!" said Helen. "But I don' like people like you staring at it all the time like I'm some sort of freak."


"Perhaps this will make you feel better." said Laura. "Did you know a professor once brought his students to see a basketball game..? He then had a man in a gorrila suit run across the field during the game.. and afterwords he asked his students, 'did you notice the gorilla?' fifty percent said 'What Gorilla? This was an experiment done on what is called 'Selective Attention' in Harvard University.  Most likely around fifty percent of everyone at the Airport will be too focused on something else to notice you."

"You've got a strange way of looking at things." said Helen. "And yes, I know about that experiment.. and it doesn't make me feel better.."

Helen held up an envelope which had no discernable markings, or even an address. "So.. I just give this to him.. nothing else?"

"Yes." said Laura. "No trouble, no mayhem.. just give him that letter."

Helen narrowed her eyes. "Okay.. just to let you know.. I don't know what this whole magic organization is.. and I don't know what you want with Ben.. but if you try and hurt him.. I don't care how much smoke Stiyl blows in my face, I will whoop your butt.. are we clear?"

Laura just smiled. "Crystal..."

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.Where stories live. Discover now